The Declining Price of EV Battery Packs

The Declin­ing Price of EV Bat­tery Packs Good news for the price of elec­tric vehi­cle (EV) bat­ter­ies! New find­ings by the Depart­ment of Energy’s (DOE) Vehi­cle Tech­nolo­gies Office esti­mates the cost of an elec­tric lithi­um-ion...

Durango's E‑Bike Success

Durango's E‑bike Success This sum­mer, six­teen front­line essen­tial work­ers who were impact­ed by the pan­dem­ic were giv­en e‑bikes to com­mute to and from work. The pilot pro­gram, called Roll to Restau­rants, was made pos­si­ble by a $50,000 grant from the...

Colorado Auto Dealerships Join Forces with Drive Electric Colorado

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Con­tact: Amber King, Dri­ve Elec­tric Colorado | 785–543-7082 Col­orado Auto Deal­er­ships Join Forces with Dri­ve Elec­tric Colorado The part­ner­ships reflect the industry’s increased focus on Elec­tric Vehicles...