How an Electric Truck Kept the Lights On

How an Electric Truck Kept the Lights On

Elec­tric vehi­cles have been using elec­trons across high­ways for over a decade now. For most, it’s an alter­na­tive fuel source to do the same job: trans­port peo­ple from point A to point B. But as EV’s begin tak­ing more mar­ket share, many EV’s are start­ing to...

How to Install a Level 2 Charger

How to Install a Lev­el 2 Charger Stu­art Cum­mings, a Col­orado EV own­er, shared some tips with us about installing a Lev­el 2 charg­er in your home. While Stu­art has also installed a Lev­el 2 charg­er on his own, we’ll be cov­er­ing the basics of how to install a...
Winter Driving in an EV? 

Winter Driving in an EV? 

Win­ter Dri­ving in an EV?  What should I know switch­ing from my gas vehicle?  My name is Ben West­by and I am a Vol­un­teer EV coach rep­re­sent­ing the West­ern Slope region. I live in the region known as the Flat­tops, at about 9,000 ft ele­va­tion...