What Are the Costs of Charging an EV?

What Are the Costs of Charging an EV?

What are the Costs of Charg­ing an EV? Pho­to by Michael Fousert on Unsplash EV own­ers have mul­ti­ple options for charg­ing their vehi­cles. From plug­ging your car in at home to using a direct cur­rent (DC) fast charg­er at a library, the cost of charg­ing...

What is Bidirectional Charging or V2G Technology?

What is Bidi­rec­tion­al Charg­ing or “V2G" Technology? The Nis­san LEAF is able to sup­port the grid by stor­ing ener­gy for lat­er use and absorb­ing demand fluctuation. What is “V2G" and how does it work? What is bidi­rec­tion­al charg­ing? What cars enable...