Chevrolet Silverado EV Demo: Takeaways and Review

September 19, 2024

Sil­ver­a­do EV Demo Take­aways 

By: Quin O'Brien, Project Man­ag­er, Fleets and Infra­struc­ture, Dri­ve Clean Colorado

GM recent­ly let me demo their new Chevro­let Sil­ver­a­do EV and I absolute­ly fell in love with it. Hav­ing a large focus on EV fleets and work­ing close­ly in the elec­tri­fied truck space, the new Sil­ver­a­do EV was at the top of my list of vehi­cles to get my hands on. I was giv­en the 3WT mod­el which is one of the work truck con­fig­u­ra­tions GM has for the truck. This was a great trim to demo as this will be the most com­mon con­fig­u­ra­tion for fleets.  

I test­ed the truck for 12 days and my biggest high­light with the truck was the range! I used this oppor­tu­ni­ty to dri­ve the vehi­cle all over the state, dri­ving around the city and neigh­bor­ing sub­urbs near Den­ver, up to Fort Collins near the Wyoming bor­der, and final­ly up I‑70 and out to Breck­en­ridge in the moun­tains. The range sus­tained through every­thing I put it through with very min­i­mal charg­ing. The adver­tised range of the 3WT trim pack­age is 393 miles and I found this to be accurate. 

Anoth­er take­away was the dri­ving expe­ri­ence. I'm very famil­iar with dri­ving elec­tric vehi­cles and trucks in gen­er­al, but the Sil­ver­a­do EV stood out as hav­ing a par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy­able dri­ving expe­ri­ence. The ride was very smooth and yet it still felt like I was dri­ving a truck. I espe­cial­ly liked the one-ped­al dri­ving mode. This allows you to brake the vehi­cle just by let­ting your foot off the accel­er­a­tor, and it also feeds ener­gy back into the bat­tery pack through regen­er­a­tive brak­ing, extend­ing the vehicle’s range fur­ther. You are able to bring the truck to a com­plete stop using this dri­ving mode with­out hav­ing to use the brakes.

Over­all, I was very impressed with the Chevro­let Sil­ver­a­do EV. The indus­try-lead­ing range of the vehi­cle makes it a great choice for fleets look­ing to incor­po­rate elec­tric vehi­cles into their fleet or for indi­vid­ual con­sumers look­ing to make the switch to elec­tric.  

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