
Chang­ing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the fil­tered results. 

Boo on Briggs EV Showcase/Ride and Drive 

Brig­gs St, Erie, 80516 

Join the Town of Erie for a fam­i­ly friend­ly trick or treat event, fea­tur­ing EVs from Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado! We'll have an EV show­case and a ride and dri­ve component, […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Latino Chamber's First Minority Ride and Drive 

Long­mont Museum  400 Quail Rd, Long­mont, CO 

Join the Lati­no Cham­ber, PACE, Boul­der Coun­ty, and Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado for the Chamber's first EV ride and dri­ve at the Tamale Fair fes­ti­val on Novem­ber 18 from 2–7pm at […]


Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

EV/Charging 101 in Englewood 

Engle­wood Civic Center  1000 Engle­wood Pkwy, Engle­wood, CO 

Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and The City of Engle­wood are host­ing an Elec­tric Vehi­cle 101 Work­shop! Join us on Feb­ru­ary 24 from 10 — 11 am at the Com­mu­ni­ty Room in […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Sustainable Neighborhood Network: EV Presentation 

Lake­wood Cul­tur­al Cen­ter (Com­mu­ni­ty Room)  470 S Alli­son Pkwy, Lake­wood, CO 

Call­ing the Lake­wood com­mu­ni­ty: are you inter­est­ed in dri­ving elec­tric? Do you have ques­tions on EVs and charg­ing? Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and the Sus­tain­able Neigh­bor­hood Net­work at the Lakewood […]

2024 Denver Auto Show 

Col­orado Con­ven­tion Center  700 14th Street, Den­ver, CO, Unit­ed States 

The Den­ver Auto show is back! Join us for the 2024 Den­ver Auto Show for an EV show­case, out­door ride & dri­ves, and so much more! Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and Xcel […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Denver Auto Show — Spanish Interpretation Available 

Col­orado Con­ven­tion Center  700 14th Street, Den­ver, CO, Unit­ed States 

Si está intere­sa­do en pro­bar un vehícu­lo eléc­tri­co, visítenos en La Exposi­ción de Autos en Den­ver esta sem­ana. Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado estará para com­par­tir infor­ma­ción sobre los vehícu­los eléc­tri­cos y […]