
Chang­ing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the fil­tered results. 

Englewood Earth Day EV Ride and Drive 

Engle­wood Civic Center  1000 Engle­wood Pkwy, Engle­wood, CO 

Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and The City of Engle­wood for an Earth Day EV Ride and Dri­ve! Explore the lat­est elec­tric vehi­cles, get behind the wheel, and see if electric […]

Lakewood Earth Day Ride and Drive 

Her­itage Lake­wood Bel­mar Park, 801 S. Yarrow St., Lake­wood, CO, 80226, View Map 

Cel­e­brate Earth Day with the City of Lake­wood by par­tic­i­pat­ing in an EV show­case and ride and dri­ve! Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado will be host­ing an EV show­case from 11am-7pm, with […]

The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Aurora 

Del Mar Park, 12000 E 6th Ave, Auro­ra, CO 80010 

Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and Monar­ca Group for The Plug It In EV Road­show event in Aroura: Come cel­e­brate Earth and join us for a fun day of Elec­tric Vehi­cles , ener­gy effi­cien­cy, booths , […]

Plug It in! Road Show Earth Day EV Ride and Drive 

Del Mar Park, 12000 E 6th Ave, Auro­ra, CO 80010 

Join this EV ride and dri­ve event in Auro­ra with Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado, Monar­ca Group, the Col­orado Ener­gy Office, and MIEL. There will be food, give­aways for kids, a face […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

EV Essentials: Electric Vehicle 101 & Showcase 

Any­think Library  327 E Bridge St, Brighton, CO 

Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and The City of Brighton are host­ing an Elec­tric Vehi­cle 101 Work­shop! Join us on March 18 from 10 am — 12:30 pm at Any­think Library in […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about […]

Hydrogen 101 Educational Event 

CSU Spur Campus  4777 Nation­al West­ern Dr, Den­ver, CO 

As you may already be aware, the DOT recent­ly announced the award recip­i­ents for the first year of the Charg­ing and Fuel­ing Infra­struc­ture Dis­cre­tionary Grant Pro­gram (see link) and the Colorado […]

Boulder Rotary Club EV and E‑bike Expo 

Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter, 6007 Oreg Avenue, Boul­der, CO 

Join the Boul­der Rotary Club and the Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter for an EV and e‑bike expo on June 17 from 5–7pm. Nation­al EV expert Nigel Zeid will give an all […]

Small Business Conference and Expo (with Latino Chamber) 

Leeds School of Busi­ness at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado Boul­der 995 Regent Dri­ve Boul­der, CO 80309 

The 1st Bilin­gual Small Busi­ness Con­fer­ence and Expo, orga­nized by the Lati­no Cham­ber in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Boul­der SBDC and Leeds School of Busi­ness at CU Boul­der, rep­re­sents a ground­break­ing initiative […]