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Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]


Louisville Com­mu­ni­ty Park, 955 Bel­la Vista Dri­ve, Louisville, CO 80027 

The Cities of Lafayette and Louisville and the Towns of Supe­ri­or and Erie are host­ing the Eco­to­ber­fest EV show­case!  Eco­to­ber­fest will fea­ture over 60+ eco-exhibitors, a sus­tain­able mak­ers mar­ket, an EV and e‑bike show­case, free elec­tron­ic recy­cling, a Hal­loween cos­tume exchange, food trucks, and many oth­er fam­i­ly-friend­ly activ­i­ties. Enjoy a beer gar­den host­ed by the Louisville […]

Electrify Longmont 

Boul­der Coun­ty Fair­grounds 9595 Nel­son Rd Long­mont, CO 80501 

Join the city of Long­mont for their 6th annu­al Elec­tri­fy Long­mont fair! This Nation­al Dri­ve Elec­tric Week event is focused on Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of your home and trans­porta­tion. They will have Elec­tric Vehi­cles avail­able to Ride and Dri­ve, E‑bikes for test rides, kids activ­i­ties, food trucks, and ven­dors. Ven­dors will be from all fields of electrification […]

Feria del Tamal EV Ride and Drive 

Boul­der Coun­ty Fair­grounds Exhib­it Build­ing Boul­der Coun­ty, CO 80501 

Get ready to enjoy the 2024 Feria del Tamal! This can't‑miss event orga­nized by The Lati­no Cham­ber of Com­merce will be held at the Boul­der Coun­ty Fair­grounds Exhib­it Build­ing. This event offi­cial­ly starts at 2pm, but atten­dees have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase VIP tick­ets for ear­ly access at 1pm. We will be host­ing the EV ride and drive […]


Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Watts@Work Workplace Charging – Presentation & Workshop 

Engle­wood Civic Center  1000 Engle­wood Pkwy, Engle­wood, CO 

Join us for an insight­ful event pre­sent­ed by Dri­ve Clean Col­orado, focused on elec­tric vehi­cles (EVs) and work­place charg­ing solu­tions! The Watts@Work pre­sen­ta­tion will offer an inside look into work­place charg­ing, EVs and the future of sus­tain­able trans­porta­tion. This event is host­ed by the Sus­tain­able Busi­ness Part­ner­ship of the Tri-Cities. Learn about the ben­e­fits of work­place EV […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Join the Conversation: Transportation and Mobility for Underserved Fort Collins Communities 

Fort Collins Senior Cen­ter, 1200 Rain­tree Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80526 

Join the Con­ver­sa­tion: Trans­porta­tion and Mobil­i­ty for Under­served Fort Collins Com­mu­ni­ties Are you pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing more equi­table trans­porta­tion options in Fort Collins? Do you want to help shape the future of mobil­i­ty for under­served com­mu­ni­ties in the city? If so, we invite you to join us for a spe­cial lis­ten­ing ses­sion host­ed by Drive […]

Monarca's Ponte las Pilas 

Stam­pede Club  2430 S Havana St, Auro­ra, CO 

Join Monar­ca group for their Ponte las Pilas EV-ent series. Ponte las Pilas Vol­ume 3 is on its way. Their first stop is the Lunar New Year 2025 at the Stam­pede in Auro­ra, CO. Get up close with elec­tric vehi­cles, ask ques­tions, and more. Get more infor­ma­tion here: 

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Lakewood EV 101 Workshop 

West Metro Fire  433 S Alli­son Park­way, Lakewood 

Dri­ve Clean Col­orado and Alame­da Con­nects are host­ing an EV 101 work­shop. Learn about elec­tric vehi­cles, at home charg­ing, and avail­able res­i­den­tial incen­tives and rebates. Bring your ques­tions relat­ed to EVs, charg­ing, and more, to get answers. Speak with cur­rent EV own­ers to learn about their expe­ri­ence dri­ving elec­tric in Colorado.