
Chang­ing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the fil­tered results. 

Electric Avenue at Downtown Grand Junction's Car Show 

Down­town Grand Junction  101 S 3rd St # 100, Grand Junc­tion, C 

Reg­is­tra­tion is now open for the Down­town Car Show! Every year, the West­ern Col­orado EV Club and West­ern Col­orado Tes­la Club help fill "Elec­tric Avenue", a sec­tion at 5th and […]

CLEER's EV Ride and Drive 

Hartwell Park Ridg­way, CO 81432  Ridgway 

Join CLEER for an EV ride and dri­ve on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 16, from 10am-2pm at Hartwell Park. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact CLEER.

Nederland EV Ride and Drive 

200 East St, Ned­er­land, CO 80466 

Join the Town of Ned­er­land and Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado for an EV ride and dri­ve at Guer­cio Field in Ned­er­land from 10am-2pm. Test dri­ve some EVs, learn more about incentives, […]

CLEER'S EV Expo in Glenwood Springs 

100 Wulf­sohn Rd, Glen­wood Springs, CO 81601 

Join CLEER for an EV Expo in Glen­wood Springs at the Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter from Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2023 from 3:30 — 6 pm. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact CLEER. 

Chile and Frijoles Fest 

101 N Union Ave, Pueblo, CO 81003 

Join Black Hills Ener­gy for an EV show­case at the Chile and Fri­joles Fest in Pueblo on Sep­tem­ber 22–24. The Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado team will be sup­port­ing this event on […]

Broomfield Days EV Showcase 

Mid­way Park  W Mid­way Blvd & Kohl St, Broom­field, CO, Unit­ed States 

“Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado is host­ing the Broom­field Days' first ever EV show­case! Come speak to EV experts and own­ers to learn all about charg­ing, tax cred­its and incen­tives, and what it's like […]


West­side Com­mu­ni­ty Center  1628 W Bijou St, Col­orado Springs, CO, Unit­ed States 

Pre­sent­ed by Orga­ni­za­tion of West­side Neigh­bors and West­side Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter, Com­mu­ni­ty Pic­nic with live music, fea­tur­ing Chauncy Cran­dall! There will be activ­i­ties for all ages, enter­tain­ment and food! Main dishes […]

4CORE'S Durango EV Ride and Drive 

1200 Car­bon Jct, Duran­go, CO 81301  Durango 

Join 4CORE and Duran­go Motor Com­pa­ny for an EV Ride and Dri­ve at 1200 Car­bon Jct, Duran­go, CO 81301 on Sep­tem­ber 23rd, 11am-2pm, with charg­ing sta­tion­sp­re­sent, test dri­ves and rides […]

Conservation Colorado's Advanced Clean Cars Rulemaking Comment Writing Party 

Any­think Library  327 E Bridge St, Brighton, CO 

Con­ser­va­tion Col­orado invites you to the Advanced Clean Cars Rule­mak­ing Com­ment Writ­ing Par­ty! Come learn more about the rule­mak­ing and share your sto­ry about how get­ting more gas vehi­cles off […]

4CORE'S EV 101 

Pine Riv­er Library  395 Bay­field Cen­ter Dr, Bayfield 

Join 4CORE to learn more about EVs at this EV 101 pre­sen­ta­tion at the Pine Riv­er Library on Sep­tem­ber 27th, 6–7pm in Bay­field, CO. This pre­sen­ta­tion is open to the […]

Colorado Sun's Sunfest: EV Panel 

Auraria Cam­pus – Down­town Denver  1201 5th St, Den­ver, CO 

The Col­orado Sun proud­ly intro­duces Sun­Fest 2023: For a Bet­ter Col­orado, pre­sent­ed by Xcel Ener­gy! Sun­Fest is the first of its kind in Col­orado. It’s designed to bring Col­oradans together […]