Northern Colorado Clean Cities' EV Group Buy Program — Fort Collins Kia

November 16, 2021

North­ern Col­orado Clean Cities (NCCC) is excit­ed to announce the exten­sion of the 2022 Kia Niro EV Sales Event. From now through Decem­ber 31st, or while sup­plies last, Col­orado res­i­dents can lease a new 2022 Kia Niro EV EX at a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count, just in time for the hol­i­days! Attached is a press release announc­ing this event, as well as an updat­ed mar­ket­ing poster.


Fort Collins, Colo. – The suc­cess­ful annu­al Elec­tric Vehi­cle Group Buy pro­gram is back! From Novem­ber 1 through Novem­ber 30, or while sup­plies last, Col­orado res­i­dents can lease a new 2022 Kia Niro EV EX at a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count! The pro­gram, coor­di­nat­ed by Fort Collins Kia, North­ern Col­orado Clean Cities (NCCC) and sup­port­ed by Dri­ve Elec­tric North­ern Col­orado (DENC) and the City of Fort Collins, intends to expand on the suc­cess of the pre­vi­ous four pro­grams, which brought elec­tric vehi­cle (EV) adop­tion up to two to three times the nation­al aver­age. Join the EV move­ment and make the switch to an EV through this program!

NCCC has worked for years with part­ners across the state to deliv­er afford­able options for dri­ving elec­tric and has worked to devel­op a com­pre­hen­sive sys­tem of EV charg­ing in our com­mu­ni­ty, allow­ing North­ern Col­oradoans to nev­er be more than six miles from a pub­lic charg­ing sta­tion in Fort Collins or Love­land. This pre-nego­ti­at­ed group buy dis­count offers a has­sle-free oppor­tu­ni­ty to dri­ve elec­tric and nev­er pay for gas again while con­tribut­ing to improved pub­lic health, air qual­i­ty and envi­ron­men­tal health.

This Group Buy builds on the suc­cess­es of pre­vi­ous pro­grams to make dri­ving elec­tric acces­si­ble and afford­able. In this round of group buy pric­ing, con­sumers can pur­chase the following:

● 2022 Kia Niro EV EX Lease Offer: As low as $229/mo with $2,999 due at sign­ing for 36 months*

*Stk#N5122780 VIN:N5122780 MSRP $42,590. $10,800 Kia Lease Cash. Kia lease cash includes $7,500 fed­er­al and $1,500 Col­orado state tax cred­its. Plus, tax, title and license Must be approved for cred­it by Kia Motors Finance. 10k mileage allowance. $2,999 due at sign­ing. No secu­ri­ty deposit required. SEE DEALER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. Price includes $693.67 deal­er han­dling fee. Offer ends 12/31/21 or while sup­plies last.

Perks and Incentives

Ques­tions about the Fed­er­al Tax Cred­it or Col­orado Elec­tric Vehi­cle Tax Cred­it? Con­tact the Col­orado Depart­ment of Rev­enue at 303.238.7378, or your CPA. Some util­i­ties pro­vide dis­counts relat­ed to the pur­chase of new EVs. Xcel Ener­gy has a rebate for home wiring costs relat­ed to installing a Lev­el 2 charg­er at res­i­den­tial loca­tions. Par­tic­i­pat­ing con­sumers will receive advis­ing ser­vices from NCCC to help tran­si­tion to elec­tric. Work­places that have an inter­est in adopt­ing charg­ing sta­tions or an elec­tric vehi­cle pool should con­tact NCCC for analy­sis and poten­tial rebates and incentives.

To learn more about the 2021 Group Buy and where to pur­chase the vehi­cles, vis­it NCCCs web­page. NCCC is a part­ner­ship of the Depart­ment of Ener­gy Clean Cities Pro­gram, Dri­ve Elec­tric North­ern Col­orado, the City of Fort Collins, and the City of Loveland.

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