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Electric Avenue – Christmas in July🎄
July 5, 2024 @ 7:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Join Good BusiÂness ColÂorado on FriÂday Jul 5th 2024, from 6:30 pm — 8:30 pm MDT at Town Hall Collaborative -
Here’s what to expect: Local top chefs will be turnÂing up the heat using only elecÂtric appliÂances, comÂpetÂing to creÂate the best dishÂes right before your eyes. It’s a fanÂtasÂtic opporÂtuÂniÂty to see innoÂvÂaÂtive cookÂing methÂods in action, and learn why movÂing towards elecÂtric kitchens is not just a trend, but a smarter, safer way to cook.
AlongÂside the culiÂnary action, explore our elecÂtriÂfiÂcaÂtion expo! You'll find the latÂest elecÂtric vehiÂcles, E‑bikes, and interÂacÂtive disÂplays from local utilÂiÂties and tech comÂpaÂnies, givÂing you a taste of the techÂnolÂoÂgy that’s driÂving our susÂtainÂable future.
Be sure to come earÂly and stay late, there will be LOTS to explore!
ComÂpeÂtiÂtion Theme: ChristÂmas in July
🎟️ Grab your tickÂet and join us for a day where flaÂvor and future colÂlide. Dive into ElecÂtric Avenue and expeÂriÂence how cookÂing is evolvÂing right before your eyes.