Fat Tire Electric Bikes

February 17, 2021

FATTE Bikes: Fat Tire Electric Bikes

Ken­ny Fis­ch­er at the Fat­tE Bikes shop in Den­ver, Colorado

There’s more to elec­tri­fy­ing your ride than just dri­ving elec­tric. You can bike elec­tric, too! Ken­ny Fis­ch­er, the co-founder of Fat­tE Bikes, spoke with us about this unique elec­tric bike shop in Denver.

Elec­tric bikes are a great, eco-friend­ly trans­porta­tion option to improve our air qual­i­ty and avoid emit­ting more green­house gas­es. Because walk­ing isn’t always the most prac­ti­cal mode of trans­port and dri­ving an elec­tric car can be more bur­den­some for short­er dis­tances, e‑bikes are an effi­cient and con­ve­nient option! By rid­ing an e‑bike, you won’t have to wor­ry about long uphill climbs, arriv­ing at work drip­ping in sweat, or plan­ning out your com­mute to make sure you get where you want to be on time. Elec­tric bikes allow you the sense of free­dom and explo­ration that tra­di­tion­al bikes offer with­out the effort and burnout of the process. They’ll allow you to bike fur­ther, make long dis­tances feel short, and are a great mode of micro-mobil­i­ty. Elec­tric bikes have all the func­tion­al­i­ty of a reg­u­lar bike, with all the fun of a vehicle!

All the Fat­tE bikes are built in-house!
Col­or­way and tex­ture options for the bike's exterior

At Fat­tE Bikes, which stands for Fat Tire Elec­tric Bikes, each bike is cus­tom-made in-house for its rid­er. Because these bikes are local­ly made in Den­ver at the company's solar-pow­ered facil­i­ty, you can be sure you’re get­ting top-of-the-line qual­i­ty con­trol and per­son­al­ized ser­vice along with a com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty. There are no cook­ie-cut­ter options at Fat­tE Bikes, mak­ing it a unique shop for your unique needs. After choos­ing which bike type you pre­fer, you can cus­tomize the col­or­way, choose your own seat and han­dle­bar grips, upgrade your bike’s bat­tery to give you more range, and add acces­sories like anti-theft GPS, among oth­er options. Each bike is equipped with fat tires, which give the bike bet­ter trac­tion, improved sta­bil­i­ty, and allow all-ter­rain rid­ing in all weath­er. Fat tires ensure a safe and com­fort­able ride, where you won’t need to wor­ry about pot­holes or uneven roads, mak­ing it a per­fect year-round com­muter. In addi­tion, elec­tric-assist takes the effort out of a stren­u­ous ride and the stan­dard bat­tery gets rid­ers up to 45 miles of range or more. Each e‑bike comes with a charg­er that can be plugged into any reg­u­lar 110 or 120-volt out­let and will take 4–6 hours to ful­ly charge from a dead bat­tery, although most rid­ers will nev­er com­plete­ly deplete their battery.

Inter­est­ed in try­ing out an elec­tric bike? Fat­tE Bikes offers free demos. Con­tact them to set up a test ride by appoint­ment only, or set up a time to learn more about elec­tric bikes in gen­er­al. Once you get on an elec­tric bike, you won’t want to go back!

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