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Electric Vehicle Clubs

Be sure to look up the EV Club that would be a good fit for you — it's a great way to get to know the ins and outs of dri­ving an EV on a reg­u­lar basis.

Are we miss­ing your club? Please let us know so we can add it!


Look­ing for an EV edu­ca­tion­al work­shop, ride & dri­ve or road ral­ly? We have all kinds of events all year round.

Are you host­ing an EV event? We'd love to help you get the word out, send us the details!

More questions?

Ques­tions Ques­tions Ques­tions — we get lots of ques­tions! We've com­piled a list of the most fre­quent­ly asked here.

Still have a ques­tion you need answered? We will try our best to answer it for you — con­tact a coach here.


Take the pledge to make your next car electric!