Mustang Mach‑E Road Trip: Denver to Santa Fe
Many first-time EV ownÂers aren’t sure if road trips are doable in an elecÂtric vehiÂcle. They might have reserÂvaÂtions about chargÂing time, where to stop, how to plan a route, and othÂer conÂcerns. Patrick and Liv, YouTube vlogÂgers who run the chanÂnel Mach‑E Vlog, recentÂly purÂchased a Ford MusÂtang Mach‑E and took it on a road trip to SanÂta Fe, New MexÂiÂco. We spoke with them to hear about their expeÂriÂence with their new car and received some helpÂful travÂel tips as well.
Patrick and Liz had been thinkÂing about buyÂing an elecÂtric vehiÂcle for a while, but decidÂed on the Mach‑E upon viewÂing it at an auto show for the first time. They put in their reserÂvaÂtion for the all-wheel driÂve, extendÂed range modÂel the same day. They startÂed their YouTube chanÂnel shortÂly after and received their car on March 2nd, 2021, which they lovÂingÂly named the ElecÂtric Blucifer.
The road trip began on SatÂurÂday, May 15, 2021. In prepaÂraÂtion, they had planned their route using the car’s interÂnal planÂner as well as A BetÂter Route PlanÂner, an assistÂed planÂning tool that allows you to map your route and choose from availÂable chargÂing staÂtions based on the speÂcifÂic range of your car’s make and modÂel. They left DenÂver with a full charge and arrived at Trinidad, ColÂorado with 26%, chargÂing for 50 minÂutes to get back up to 84%. Next was a stop at WagÂon Mound, New MexÂiÂco where they only charged for 20 minÂutes and arrived in SanÂta Fe with a 35% charge. Patrick and Liv used DC fast-chargÂing staÂtions and notÂed that chargÂing was easy and proÂvidÂed them the opporÂtuÂniÂty to stretch their legs and get some food at conÂveÂnient locaÂtions along their route. Although they were not in a rush to get to SanÂta Fe, they nevÂer had to wait for chargÂing to be comÂpletÂed — rather, the car was waitÂing for them because they often wantÂed longer breaks. In addiÂtion, the ElecÂtric BluÂcifer enticed peoÂple to stop by and ask quesÂtions at every stop, allowÂing Patrick and Liv the opporÂtuÂniÂty to speak about the benÂeÂfits of an elecÂtric vehiÂcle while their car was juicÂing up.
While in SanÂta Fe, they were able to charge at a LevÂel 2 staÂtion in a parkÂing garage downÂtown as they walked around. Despite takÂing side trips around the SanÂta Fe area, Patrick and Liv were nevÂer worÂried about their car’s range or the abilÂiÂty to locate chargÂing staÂtions. LeavÂing for the DenÂver area on TuesÂday, May 18, 2021, they stopped at WagÂon Mound, New MexÂiÂco to charge for 20 minÂutes, Trinidad for 25 minÂutes, and an extra bonus stop in FounÂtain for 15 minÂutes. Their driÂving time to and from SanÂta Fe was actuÂalÂly no difÂferÂent than preÂviÂous road trips they’d takÂen in a gas-powÂered car. Both trips averÂaged around 7.5 hours includÂing pit stops for the bathÂroom, lunch, leisure and fuelÂing up. Patrick and Liv found it easÂiÂer to road trip in their Mach‑E because of the driÂving assist feaÂture which made the driÂve itself more pleasÂant. In addiÂtion, they enjoyed driÂving clean and knowÂing that they were doing someÂthing betÂter for the environment.
They shared some tips for driÂvers who may feel cauÂtious about takÂing their elecÂtric vehiÂcle on a road trip:
- Don’t worÂry too much! A road trip in an elecÂtric vehiÂcle should be a fun experience.
- Make a plan using a route planÂner, like A BetÂter Route PlanÂner or PlugShare.
- Take advanÂtage of your chargÂing stops. Don’t underÂesÂtiÂmate how much time you may want for breaks, espeÂcialÂly if you’ve been driÂving for a long time.
- A backÂup plan is always a good idea. FindÂing some alterÂnate chargÂing staÂtions or routes may ease your mind if you’re stressed about range anxiety.
- Keep in mind that it will take some time to get used to feelÂing comÂfortÂable driÂving longer ranges than usuÂal. Know that techÂnolÂoÂgy will conÂtinÂue improvÂing, makÂing road trips easÂiÂer in the future.
Find Patrick and Liv on YouTube, TwitÂter, and InstaÂgram.
Watch their first YouTube video of their road trip here: