State of Charge 2022 EV Conference and La Vida Volta EV Expo 

Red Rocks Amphitheater 

This immer­sive, 2‑day EV expe­ri­ence, host­ed by Ohm on the Range, will include an edu­ca­tion­al EV con­ver­sion con­fer­ence, “State of Charge”, and EV Expo and Exhi­bi­tion, “La Vida Vol­ta”. The con­fer­ence, held on Fri­day, August 12 from 8:15am – 6:15pm at the Ori­gin Hotel Red Rocks will fea­ture “Behind-the-Build” ses­sions, fea­tur­ing con­tem­po­rary builders from various […]

La Vida Volta! 

Gold­en High School  701 24th street, Gold­en, CO, Unit­ed States 

Pub­lic fam­i­ly-friend­ly EV Expo and Exhibitor Fair. An oppor­tu­ni­ty to check out sev­er­al con­vert­ed elec­tric clas­sic vehi­cles, new elec­tric vehi­cles and more!