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El Pueblo Museum Earth Day Festival EV Ride and Drive 

El Pueblo Museum  301 N Union Ave, Pueblo, CO 

Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado at the El Pueblo Muse­um Earth Day Fes­ti­val on Sat­ur­day, April 22! We will be host­ing an EV show­case from 11am-4pm and an EV ride and dri­ve from 12–3pm. Bring your friends and fam­i­ly to learn more about EVs, EV incen­tives from Black Hills Ener­gy, and check out a vari­ety of […]

Englewood Earth Day EV Ride and Drive 

Engle­wood Civic Center  1000 Engle­wood Pkwy, Engle­wood, CO 

Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and The City of Engle­wood for an Earth Day EV Ride and Dri­ve! Explore the lat­est elec­tric vehi­cles, get behind the wheel, and see if elec­tric is right for you! Our EV experts will be on site to answer all of your ques­tions on EVs, charg­ing, incen­tives and rebates, and more. […]

Trinidad State College's Electric Vehicle Essentials and Ride & Drive 

Trinidad State Col­lege — 600 Prospect St., Trinidad, CO 81082  Trinidad 

Phil Long Toy­ota of Trinidad will be pro­vid­ing mul­ti­ple vehi­cles for the Ride & Dri­ve, where TSC stu­dents and the sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get behind the wheel of an EV. Dri­ve Clean Col­orado will have infor­ma­tion and will answer any ques­tions regard­ing all things Elec­tric Vehi­cles and EV Charg­ing, all while […]