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Fort Collins Earth Day EV Ride & Drive 

Civic Cen­ter Park  Fort Collins, CO 

Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and the Sus­tain­able Liv­ing Asso­ci­a­tion in Fort Collins for an Earth Day Elec­tric Vehi­cle (EV) Ride and Dri­ve Expe­ri­ence. Get behind the wheel of a vari­ety of EVs and expe­ri­ence dri­ving elec­tric in a no pres­sure envi­ron­ment. Ask all of your EV ques­tions, hear from EV experts on their expe­ri­ences dri­ving elec­tric, and […]

Fort Collins EV Ride and Drive 

1200 Rain­tree Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80526 

Join Monar­ca Group and ISAAC of North­ern Col­orado for an EV ride and dri­ve event at the Fort Collins Senior Cen­ter from 1–5pm on Sun­day, June 2 for an excit­ing after­noon explor­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy, elec­tric vehi­cles, and sus­tain­able home solu­tions. 🌍 Plug It In! at the ISAAC Resource Fair 🌞The Isaac Resource Fair, part of the […]

CSU Ride and Drive 

Moby Park­ing Lot- 951 W Plum St, Fort Collins, CO 80521 

CSU employ­ees are invit­ed to test dri­ve a vari­ety of new plug-in elec­tric and hybrid vehi­cle mod­els at a free “Ride and Dri­ve” event on Thurs­day, June 6, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., out­side the Moby park­ing lot. Reg­is­ter here. CSU Park­ing and Trans­porta­tion Ser­vices has part­nered with Dri­ve Clean Col­orado to give CSU […]