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Boulder Rotary Club EV and E‑bike Expo

June 17, 2024 @ 5:00 pm8:00 pm

Join the Boul­der Rotary Club and the Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter for an EV and e‑bike expo on June 17 from 5–7pm.

Nation­al EV expert Nigel Zeid will give an all things EV talk and answer your ques­tions. The Col­orado Ener­gy Office will speak on Colorado’s pro­gram to pro­mote EVs. David Askey will speak on his cross-coun­try trips in his Tesla.

A vari­ety of elec­tric vehi­cles and e‑bikes and their own­ers will be at the Expo so you can see the vehi­cles, deter­mine how much the vehi­cle costs, and most impor­tant­ly learn what it is actu­al­ly like to own an EV or e‑bike. You will be able to get answers to ques­tions such as:

How much will your EV or E‑Bike cost?

· How many miles can I expect to get for a charge?

· Are you able to obtain Fed­er­al and/or State tax cred­its with EVs or E‑Bikes?

· Is it bet­ter to lease or pur­chase an EV?

· Are E‑Bikes allowed on Boul­der bike paths or open space trails that allow man­u­al bikes

· Can I ped­al to help pow­er my E‑Bike? How does an EV or E‑Bike han­dle in the snow?

· Will you need to wait a long time on a wait­ing list before you can pur­chase an EV?

· How much can you expect your elec­tric bill to go up if you charge your EV at home?

· Are there an ade­quate num­ber of charg­ing sta­tions in Boul­der, the greater Den­ver area, and through­out the state of Colorado?

· Are ser­vice sta­tions avail­able for repair­ing EVs or E‑Bikes in Boulder?

· Will cold weath­er make my EV or E‑Bike less efficient?

· How would you com­pare dri­ving an EV to a car pow­ered by an inter­nal com­bus­tion engine?


June 17, 2024 
5:00 pm — 8:00 pm 
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