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State of Charge 2024

July 12July 13

Back for the third year in a row, Ohm on the Range is host­ing the State of Charge EV-ent, an edu­ca­tion­al con­fer­ence for per­for­mance EV con­ver­sions, fea­tur­ing guest pan­els and speak­ers, an EV expo, and more!

New for 2024: While pre­vi­ous iter­a­tions of SOC includ­ed a sep­a­rate pub­lic show­case of elec­tric vehi­cles (La Vida Vol­ta!), this year we are col­lab­o­rat­ing with Elec­tri­fy Expo — a mas­sive show com­ing to Den­ver on Sat­ur­day & Sun­day, July 13–14. Come see the coolest con­vert­ed clas­sics on the road, as well as the lat­est OEM offer­ings from the likes of Lucid, Ford, Polestar, Kia, and oth­ers. Tak­ing place "next door"—just a short walk away—all SOC atten­dees get free entry to the expo. Make an EV Week­end out of it!

BonusBring­ing a con­vert­ed vehi­cle to State of Charge? Dis­play it at the "showoff" area at the expo (see SOC registration).

More infor­ma­tion here: https://ohmontherange.org/SOC24/.


July 12 
July 13 
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Ohm on the Range