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The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Grand Junction

April 21 @ 12:00 pm5:00 pm

Join CLEER and Monar­ca Group for The Plug It In EV Road­show event in Grand Junction:

The Plug It In EV Road­show is a series of free fam­i­­ly-friend­­ly events where you can learn about elec­tric vehi­cles in a hands-on set­ting, and its first stop this year will be at Grand Junction's Lin­coln Park! Here's the schedule:
• 12–1 pm — EV101: Learn the basics of elec­tric vehi­cles, EV charg­ing, cost of own­er­ship, tax cred­its (for used EVs too!) and more in this indoor pre­sen­ta­tion. Snacks provided.
• 1–5 pm — Ride & Dri­ve: Drop in to test dri­ve new and used cars and e‑bikes, talk to EV own­ers and deal­er reps, and get advice from local clean-ener­­gy non­prof­its on how to take max­i­mum advan­tage of tax cred­its and oth­er incen­tives. Food trucks, music and kid activities!



April 21 
12:00 pm — 5:00 pm 
Event Cat­e­go­ry:
Event Tags:
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Lin­coln Park Barn
910 N 12th St
Grand Junc­tion,CO81501
+ Google Map