Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills

Welcome to Drive Electric Colorado!

We're so glad you're inter­est­ed in elec­tric vehi­cles! Whether you're con­sid­er­ing pur­chas­ing one or have one already, we're here to help you with any ques­tions you have about your elec­tric vehi­cle. Our ReCharge coach­es can help you find the answers you're look­ing for — con­tact a coach today!

Con­tact a Coach


Ford of Chapel Hills EV Sales Specialist

Name: Avery Harrison

Phone Num­ber:

M: 561–603-1449
O: 719–867-6893

Email Avery

Avery is from Mia­mi and has over 15 years of sales expe­ri­ence. He's been serv­ing Col­oradoans with all their car-buy­ing needs since 2016. Avery owns a Mus­tang Mach‑E and a Ford F‑150 Lightning.

Electric Vehicle Models Available at Ford of Chapel Hills

Mustang Mach‑E

Ford F‑150 Lightning Electric Pickup


Reserve yours today!

Ford Pass App

Bought the new Ford Mach‑E? Con­nect your all-elec­tric vehi­cle to the Ford­Pass App to unlock pow­er­ful fea­tures, like find­ing charg­ing sta­tions, cus­tomiz­ing your vehi­cle, and acti­vat­ing remote start. Plus, take advan­tage of 250 kWh of com­pli­men­ta­ry charg­ing through Ford­Pass™ Rewards on Elec­tri­fy Amer­i­ca fast charg­ing sta­tions and earn points that you can redeem toward Ford Ser­vice dis­counts, car acces­sories, and more.

Talk to Ford of Chapel Hills to hear about cur­rent offers and find out what's in stock!



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