Feria del Tamal EV Ride and Drive

Feria del Tamal EV Ride and Drive

Get ready to enjoy the 2024 Feria del Tamal! This can't‑miss event orga­nized by The Lati­no Cham­ber of Com­merce will be held at the Boul­der Coun­ty Fair­grounds Exhib­it Building. This event offi­cial­ly starts at 2pm, but atten­dees have the...
Latino Chamber's First Minority Ride and Drive

Latino Chamber's First Minority Ride and Drive

Join the Lati­no Cham­ber, PACE, Boul­der Coun­ty, and Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado for the Chamber's first EV ride and dri­ve at the Tamale Fair fes­ti­val on Novem­ber 18 from 2–7pm at the Long­mont Muse­um. Atten­dees must pur­chase a tick­et to attend which cov­ers...