

The Cities of Lafayette and Louisville and the Towns of Supe­ri­or and Erie are host­ing the Eco­to­ber­fest EV showcase!  Eco­to­ber­fest will fea­ture over 60+ eco-exhibitors, a sus­tain­able mak­ers mar­ket, an EV and e‑bike show­case, free elec­tron­ic...
Electrify Your Ride EV Showcase

Electrify Your Ride EV Showcase

Learn more about some of the lat­est elec­tric vehi­cle mod­els on the mar­ket and bring along any EV-relat­ed ques­tions you might have. We are join­ing Louisville, Lafayette, and Supe­ri­or at their “Elec­tri­fy Your Ride” EV show­case on June 27 from 5–7pm MT...