Public Chargers

There are cur­rent­ly more than 1,500 pub­lic Lev­el 2 and DC Fast Charg­ing Sta­tions across the state rep­re­sent­ing over 3,300 charg­ing ports, with more being added every day.

There are many dif­fer­ent charg­ing net­works through­out the U.S. includ­ing Elec­tri­fy Amer­i­ca, Charge­Point, Tes­la Super­charg­er, EVgo net­work, and more. Find out how to locate charg­ing sta­tions, includ­ing through mobile apps that can help you find charg­ing near you or along your road trip route.

Use these links to find a public charging station.

Use these links to access the charger once you have arrived.

Below is a great video on how to charge your Electric Vehicle on a public charger for the first time!

Interested in installing your own public EV charging station?


EVSE-Station-Installation-Guide.pdf (1)

Click on the image above to learn more about how to install a pub­lic Lev­el 2 or Lev­el 3 DCFC charger.



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