EV Events for Boulder County Residents

Hi Boulder County! Join us at one of these EV events!

Louisville, Lafayette, and Superior EV Showcase

Come to the Stein­baugh Pavil­ion in Louisville, CO on Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 24 from 3–6pm for an EV showcase.

Learn more about some of the lat­est elec­tric vehi­cle mod­els on the mar­ket and bring along any EV-relat­ed ques­tions you might have. Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado Vol­un­teer EV Coach­es will also be present to dis­play their per­son­al vehi­cles and answer ques­tions along­side our team. Not inter­est­ed in an elec­tric vehi­cle? Both eBike of Col­orado and the Louisville Cyclery will be on-hand to show­case and dis­cuss e‑bikes. This event is open to everyone.

Check out the Face­book Event page and RSVP here.

Sustainable Resilient Longmont's Drive Electric Fair

Sus­tain­able Resilient Long­mont is host­ing the annu­al Long­mont Dri­ves Elec­tric Fair on Sun­day, Octo­ber 3. They will be show­cas­ing new EVs as well as pri­vate­ly owned EVs. Activ­i­ties include food trucks, music, kids’ activ­i­ties and lots of info on dri­ving and own­ing an EV.

Stop by our booth to learn about elec­tric vehi­cles, ask our team ques­tions, and chat with our Vol­un­teer EV Coaches.

More info and RSVP here. 



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