Volunteer EV Coach Spotlight: Nigel Zeid

Volunteer EV Coach Spotlight: Nigel Zeid

Vol­un­teer EV Coach Spot­light: Nigel Zeid  Nigel Zeid, for­mer EV Ambas­sador for Boul­der Nis­san, is start­ing a new chap­ter in his elec­tric vehi­cle (EV) expe­ri­ence as an inde­pen­dent EV Edu­ca­tor. Pri­or to his cur­rent role,...
Electric Vehicle License Plate Bill

Electric Vehicle License Plate Bill

Elec­tric Vehi­cle License Plate Bill Updat­ed, July 29, 2021: This bill was suc­cess­ful­ly passed and signed on 6/25/21 with sup­port from rep­re­sen­ta­tives Edie Hooton, Alex Valdez, and Jeff Bridges, and was devot­ed $91,636 for use by the...
To Idle or to Turn Off the Car?

To Idle or to Turn Off the Car?

To Idle or to Turn Off the Car? When I got my COVID-19 vac­cine, our town had a very effi­cient method of deliv­er­ing vac­cines to pas­sen­gers in a dri­ve-through set-up. Once we got the jab, we lined our cars up in a large park­ing lot to wait...

Ride Share Driving with a Tesla Model 3

Rideshare Dri­ving with a Tes­la Mod­el 3  Ben­jamin West­by next to his Tes­la, dressed in a Yeti suit for his Ele­men­tary School's staff Christ­mas party Rideshare dri­ving is a pop­u­lar side-hus­tle or full-time job. Dri­ving an elec­tric vehi­cle...