Electric Avenue at Grand Junction Mobility Car Show

August 16, 2021

Electric Avenue at the Grand Junction Mobility Car Show

The annu­al Mobil­i­ty Car Show in down­town Grand Junc­tion will take place on Sep­tem­ber 18, from 9 AM — 3 PM. Spon­sored by Sun Rab­bit Clean Trans­port, the West­ern Col­orado EV club will dis­play their elec­tric vehi­cles in the Elec­tric Avenue sec­tion of the car show. Last year, they had over a dozen elec­tric vehi­cles on dis­play! With more car brands pro­duc­ing unique EV mod­els, they ful­ly expect to see more entrants that will high­light the growth of EV’s in Col­orado. This event is a great way to become intro­duced to elec­tric cars and meet own­ers who are more than hap­py to share their experiences.

Click here for event and reg­is­tra­tion information.

Writ­ten By: Ben West­by, Admin of the West­ern Col­orado EV Club

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