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Colorado Sun's Sunfest: EV Panel 

Auraria Cam­pus – Down­town Denver  1201 5th St, Den­ver, CO 

The Col­orado Sun proud­ly intro­duces Sun­Fest 2023: For a Bet­ter Col­orado, pre­sent­ed by Xcel Ener­gy! Sun­Fest is the first of its kind in Col­orado. It’s designed to bring Col­oradans togeth­er to con­vene and lis­ten to speak­ers on pol­i­cy and pol­i­tics, health care and cli­mate, com­mu­ni­ty voic­es, the out­doors and so much more. Pan­els include topics […]

Colorado Sun: "The New Car Culture: How will the revolution in electric vehicles and transportation design change Colorado?" 

Join The Col­orado Sun’s envi­ron­ment reporter Michael Booth as brings togeth­er a pan­el of car and trans­porta­tion pol­i­cy experts to dis­cuss – and debate – EV man­dates and sub­si­dies, the death of big high­way build­ing and a push for free tran­sit. Speak­ers include: Tim Jack­son, Trans­porta­tion author and con­sul­tant, for­mer Col­orado Auto­mo­bile Deal­ers Asso­ci­a­tion CEO Matt Frommer, […]