Xcel Energy Rebates


Charging Rebates and Programs

Get per­son­al­ized EV charg­ing advice from Xcel Energy’s Home Charg­ing Advi­sor.

EV Charger & Wiring Rebate

$500 for eli­gi­ble cus­tomers who install a qual­i­fy­ing Lev­el 2 charg­er and enroll in the Opti­mize Your Charge pro­gram. Up to $2,500 for income-qual­i­fy­ing cus­tomers. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

EV Rebates

Please read this state­ment from Xcel Energy: 

"As of Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 9, 2024, the pro­gram has reached its capac­i­ty for par­tic­i­pa­tion. We are no longer accept­ing new appli­ca­tions, instant point-of-sale rebate sub­mis­sions, or post-pur­chase rebate requests. As pre­vi­ous­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed, this pro­gram had lim­it­ed funds and was very pop­u­lar among Col­oradans. EV rebates were issued on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have not received an email from Xcel Ener­gy con­firm­ing your rebate check has been mailed, we have unfor­tu­nate­ly reached capac­i­ty on the pro­gram before your appli­ca­tion could be approved and paid out. We sin­cere­ly apol­o­gize for the incon­ve­nience this may cause.

Clean Trans­porta­tion Team

Xcel Ener­gy 

P: 900.895.4999

E. "

Optimize Your Charge

$50 annu­al cred­it on your bill when you opt into an off-peak charg­ing sched­ule, from 9pm-6am, 12:30am‑9:30am, or 6am-3pm. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

EV Accelerate at Home

Xcel Ener­gy will install and main­tain a Lev­el 2 charg­er for you for $13.29/month. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

Charging Perks Pilot Program

$100 gift card for sign­ing up; must be an EV own­er of a BMW, Chevro­let, Ford, Hon­da, or Tes­la and do some of your charg­ing at home. You can find more infor­ma­tion here.

Business Services

Want incen­tives on charg­ing for your work­place, busi­ness, or fleet? Find infor­ma­tion here.

Multifamily Charging Services

Want incen­tives on charg­ing for new or exist­ing mul­ti­fam­i­ly units? Find infor­ma­tion here.

For more infor­ma­tion about these pro­grams and rebates, vis­it Xcel Energy's Incen­tives page.


*Para Español: https://driveelectriccolorado.org/wp-content/uploads/Xcel-EV-Incentives-SPANISH.pdf




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