CORE Electric Cooperative Cars and Coffee

CORE Electric Cooperative Cars and Coffee

Join CORE Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive and Dri­ve Clean Col­orado at this Cars and Cof­fee EV Show­case. Did you know CORE owns charg­ers and that mem­bers get dis­counts on charg­ing? Learn more about charg­ing at this hands-on expe­ri­ence, get free pas­tries and...
Broomfield Days EV Showcase

Broomfield Days EV Showcase

Check out a vari­ety of EVs at Broom­field Days on Sep­tem­ber 21, at 1270 W Mid­way Blvd, Broom­field, CO 80020. This annu­al event is Broomfield's biggest event of the year — with a com­mu­ni­ty pan­cake break­fast, fol­lowed by run­ners lin­ing up for...
Electric Cars and Coffee | Arvada

Electric Cars and Coffee | Arvada

Bring your EV or e‑bike to Elec­tric Cars & Cof­fee, on August 24 from 8:30am-1pm at the Col­orado Tap House (14982 W 69th Ave, Arva­da, CO 80007). Get $1 off coupons and drop in, or stay to meet oth­er own­ers. Fea­tur­ing an Elec­tric Mus­tang conversion!...
Arvada Firefighter's Car Fest

Arvada Firefighter's Car Fest

EV own­ers are invit­ed to show­case their vehi­cles at the Arva­da Firefighter's Car Fest on August 4 from 9am-2pm. To sign up to show­case a vehi­cle, click here and please con­tact Car­o­line Bray for more details at . Get more infor­ma­tion...