1–2‑3 Electrify Series, Electrification Expo

1–2‑3 Electrify Series, Electrification Expo

The Town of Supe­ri­or and Cities of Louisville and Lafayette are excit­ed to help you nav­i­gate your elec­tri­fi­ca­tion jour­ney – whether it’s improv­ing your home’s effi­cien­cy, invest­ing in elec­tric tech­nol­o­gy, or pow­er­ing your equip­ment renew­ably....


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2023 Con­tact: Bon­nie Trow­bridge, Dri­ve Clean Colorado | 303–519-4144   COLORADO ORGANIZATIONS CELEBRATE EARTH MONTH WITH EVS Sev­er­al Earth Day events around Col­orado will fea­ture elec­tric...
What Does Maintenance Actually Mean for an EV Owner?

What Does Maintenance Actually Mean for an EV Owner?

What Does Main­te­nance Actu­al­ly Mean for an EV Owner? One aspect of EV own­er­ship that is often high­light­ed is the con­cept that EV’s have less mov­ing parts, less com­po­nents nec­es­sary for mobil­i­ty, there­fore less main­te­nance. This should, in...