April 20, 2023
BonÂnie TrowÂbridge, DriÂve Clean Colorado
SevÂerÂal Earth Day events around ColÂorado will feaÂture elecÂtric vehicles
[DENVER, CO] – ThroughÂout April, many cities and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions will be hostÂing a variÂety of Earth Day celÂeÂbraÂtions across the state of ColÂorado. DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be in attenÂdance to serve as a go-to EV resource for ColÂoradans, answerÂing quesÂtions about what it’s like to driÂve elecÂtric, chargÂing infraÂstrucÂture, state and fedÂerÂal tax incenÂtives, rebates, and more. AttenÂdees of these events will have the opporÂtuÂniÂty to expeÂriÂence elecÂtric vehiÂcles first hand, through EV showÂcasÂes and ride & driÂves, and to learn more about the benÂeÂfits of driÂving electric.
PubÂlic interÂest in elecÂtric vehiÂcles is rapidÂly increasÂing. AccordÂing to data from TrueÂCar, 59% of conÂsumers are "EV ConÂsidÂerÂers," or indiÂvidÂuÂals either someÂwhat or extremeÂly likeÂly to purÂchase and driÂve an elecÂtric vehiÂcle. Not only is this perÂcentÂage of interÂest on the rise, but the numÂber of "EV rejecÂtors" has conÂtinÂued to shrink. Now more than ever, it is imporÂtant to proÂvide peoÂple with opporÂtuÂniÂties to expeÂriÂence elecÂtric vehiÂcles first hand, and proÂvide resources to help in makÂing informed decisions.
EngleÂwood Earth Day EV Showcase
EngleÂwood, CO
April 22
The City of EngleÂwood is hostÂing an Earth Day EV ShowÂcase event. DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be at the event proÂvidÂing elecÂtric vehiÂcle eduÂcaÂtion and resources for Xcel Energy's EV incenÂtives and proÂgrams. There will be food and elecÂtric vehiÂcles on display.
El Pueblo MuseÂum Earth Day FesÂtiÂval EV Ride and Drive
Pueblo, CO
El Pueblo Museum
April 22, 11:00 am — 4:00 pm
The El Pueblo HisÂtoÂry MuseÂum is hostÂing an IndigeÂnous Music and Arts FesÂtiÂval this Earth Day. This famÂiÂly-friendÂly event will feaÂture local IndigeÂnous musiÂcians, dance groups, artists, and activÂiÂties for kids. Eco-focused comÂmuÂniÂty orgaÂniÂzaÂtions will have eduÂcaÂtionÂal booths and proÂgramÂming. Among these orgaÂniÂzaÂtions, DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be hostÂing an elecÂtric vehiÂcle showÂcase from 11am-4pm and an elecÂtric vehiÂcle ride and driÂve from 12–3pm. All are welÂcome to learn more about EVs, EV incenÂtives from Black Hills EnerÂgy, and expeÂriÂence a variÂety of othÂer venÂdors and food trucks.
More inforÂmaÂtion here
LakeÂwood Earth Day EV Ride and Drive
LakeÂwood, CO
HerÂitage BelÂmar Park
April 22, 11:00am – 5:00pm
The City of LakeÂwood is hostÂing an Earth Day celÂeÂbraÂtion feaÂturÂing a variÂety of susÂtainÂably-mindÂed venÂdors, food trucks, music, kid-friendÂly activÂiÂties, and best of all – elecÂtric vehiÂcles! DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be hostÂing an elecÂtric vehiÂcle showÂcase from 11am-5pm and an EV ride & driÂve event from 12–4pm. Plus, we’ll be sharÂing inforÂmaÂtion about Xcel Energy’s EV/charging proÂgrams and rebates.
Phil Long and UCCS EV Ride & Drive
ColÂorado Springs, CO
UniÂverÂsiÂty of ColÂorado Springs
April 24, 10:00 am — 2:00 pm
The Phil Long EV OutÂlet and The UniÂverÂsiÂty of ColÂorado Springs (UCCS) are hostÂing an elecÂtric vehiÂcle Ride & DriÂve event at the UCCS camÂpus in ColÂorado Springs. This event will include elecÂtric vehiÂcles from Phil Long, a feaÂtured dealÂer of DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado. DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be present at the event to proÂvide eduÂcaÂtionÂal EV resources and spread awareÂness on EV incenÂtives and proÂgrams. All are welÂcome to stop by, enjoy food & good comÂpaÂny, and test driÂve elecÂtric vehicles.
San Isabel ElecÂtric EV Ride and Drive
WalsenÂburg, CO
122 W. 6th Street
April 25, 8:30 am — 3:30 pm
An elecÂtric vehiÂcle Ride and DriÂve event will be hostÂed by San Isabel ElecÂtric AssoÂciÂaÂtion in WalsenÂburg, ColÂorado. From 8:30am‑3:30pm attenÂdees can test driÂve a TesÂla Y or NisÂsan Leaf at this elecÂtric vehiÂcle expeÂriÂence. Sign up for a test driÂve in advance here.
Erie AnnuÂal Arbor Day/Earth Day Celebration
Erie, CO
Erie Post Park
April 29, 10:00 am — 1:00 pm
Join the AnnuÂal Erie Arbor Day/Earth Day CelÂeÂbraÂtion that'll include an EV showÂcase and demonÂstraÂtion at Erie Post Park. DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado will be in attenÂdance, proÂvidÂing EV eduÂcaÂtion and spreadÂing awareÂness on Xcel Energy's incenÂtives and proÂgrams. Arbor Day/Earth Day is a FREE event sponÂsored by the Town of Erie Parks DiviÂsion, the Town of Erie SusÂtainÂabilÂiÂty DiviÂsion, Town of Erie Tree Board, and the Town of Erie SusÂtainÂabilÂiÂty Board. This is a famÂiÂly friendÂly celÂeÂbraÂtion with fun activÂiÂties for all!
More inforÂmaÂtion here.
Lafayette, CO
Bob BurgÂer RecreÂation CenÂter parkÂing lot and Open Space OutÂdoor Classroom
April 29, 10:00 am — 2:00 pm
AmiÂgos de MexÂiÂco Children's Day Celebration
AuroÂra, CO
AuroÂra SciÂence & Tech
April 29, 11:00 am — 2:00 pm
ExpeÂriÂence ElecÂtric Road Show: Grand JuncÂtion CLEER Ride & Drive
Grand JuncÂtion, CO
LinÂcoln Park Barn
April 30, 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm
CLEER is hostÂing an ElecÂtric Road Show ExpeÂriÂence at the LinÂcoln Park Barn in Grand JuncÂtion, ColÂorado. Join in for an EV101, where you'll learn about elecÂtric vehiÂcles, rebates, & tax credÂits for new and used EVs. This will be folÂlowed by an outÂdoor elecÂtric vehiÂcle ride and driÂve event where attenÂdees can test-driÂve EVs & e‑bikes, talk to EV ownÂers, ask quesÂtions and get free, unbiÂased advice. Free music and childÂcare are availÂable at this event. RegÂisÂter here.
About DriÂve Clean ColÂorado, a Clean Cities Coalition
DriÂve Clean ColÂorado (forÂmerÂly DenÂver Metro Clean Cities CoaliÂtion) is a non-profÂit memÂber orgaÂniÂzaÂtion that delivÂers a variÂety of proÂgrams to supÂport equiÂtable clean transÂportaÂtion and effiÂcient mobilÂiÂty choicÂes with the goal of reducÂing greenÂhouse gasÂes for cleanÂer, healthÂiÂer air for ColÂorado. DriÂve Clean ColÂorado is one of 75 unique DepartÂment of EnerÂgy Clean Cities coaliÂtions across the U.S. that work localÂly to fosÂter the nation’s ecoÂnomÂic, enviÂronÂmenÂtal, and enerÂgy secuÂriÂty and advance affordÂable, domesÂtic transÂportaÂtion fuels and fuel-savÂing techÂnoloÂgies and pracÂtices. DriÂve Clean ColÂorado partÂners with othÂer regionÂal orgaÂniÂzaÂtions in the state to run the DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado iniÂtiaÂtive which is a clearÂingÂhouse for all things EV in ColÂorado. Learn more at, and folÂlow along on TwitÂter and LinkedIn.