1–2‑3 Electrify Series, Electrification Expo

1–2‑3 Electrify Series, Electrification Expo

The Town of Supe­ri­or and Cities of Louisville and Lafayette are excit­ed to help you nav­i­gate your elec­tri­fi­ca­tion jour­ney – whether it’s improv­ing your home’s effi­cien­cy, invest­ing in elec­tric tech­nol­o­gy, or pow­er­ing your equip­ment renew­ably....
The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Grand Junction

The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Grand Junction

Join CLEER and Monar­ca Group for The Plug It In EV Road­show event in Grand Junction: The Plug It In EV Road­show is a series of free fam­i­ly-friend­ly events where you can learn about elec­tric vehi­cles in a hands-on set­ting, and its first stop this year will be...