State of Charge 2024

State of Charge 2024

Back for the third year in a row, Ohm on the Range is host­ing the State of Charge EV-ent, an edu­ca­tion­al con­fer­ence for per­for­mance EV con­ver­sions, fea­tur­ing guest pan­els and speak­ers, an EV expo, and more! New for 2024: While pre­vi­ous...
Fort Collins EV Ride and Drive

Fort Collins EV Ride and Drive

Join Monar­ca Group and ISAAC of North­ern Col­orado for an EV ride and dri­ve event at the Fort Collins Senior Cen­ter from 1–5pm on Sun­day, June 2 for an excit­ing after­noon explor­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy, elec­tric vehi­cles, and sus­tain­able home...

Rocky Ford's Cinco de Mayo EV-ent

Join Rocky Ford and Black Hills Ener­gy for a Cin­co de Mayo cel­e­bra­tion and EV show­case. Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado will be on site to answer any EV ques­tions you may have!  
2024 Denver Auto Show

2024 Denver Auto Show

The Den­ver Auto show is back! Join us for the 2024 Den­ver Auto Show for an EV show­case, out­door ride & dri­ves, and so much more! Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and Xcel Ener­gy will be host­ing the out­door elec­tric vehi­cle ride and drive. DENVER...
Nederland EV Ride and Drive

Nederland EV Ride and Drive

Join the Town of Ned­er­land and Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado for an EV ride and dri­ve at Guer­cio Field in Ned­er­land from 10am-2pm. Test dri­ve some EVs, learn more about incen­tives, and check out the farmer's mar­ket in town!