

The Cities of Lafayette and Louisville and the Towns of Supe­ri­or and Erie are host­ing the Eco­to­ber­fest EV showcase!  Eco­to­ber­fest will fea­ture over 60+ eco-exhibitors, a sus­tain­able mak­ers mar­ket, an EV and e‑bike show­case, free elec­tron­ic...
Ford Model E Cars and Coffee

Ford Model E Cars and Coffee

Join Ford and Ford Car Clubs around Col­orado for an EV show­case and casu­al Mod­el E meet and greet on July 13, 8–10am before the Elec­tri­fy Expo takes place in Den­ver. Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado Vol­un­teer EV Coach­es and Ford EV enthu­si­asts will be present....
Arvada Firefighter's Car Fest

Arvada Firefighter's Car Fest

EV own­ers are invit­ed to show­case their vehi­cles at the Arva­da Firefighter's Car Fest on August 4 from 9am-2pm. To sign up to show­case a vehi­cle, click here and please con­tact Car­o­line Bray for more details at . Get more infor­ma­tion...
Boulder Rotary Club EV and E‑bike Expo

Boulder Rotary Club EV and E‑bike Expo

Join the Boul­der Rotary Club and the Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter for an EV and e‑bike expo on June 17 from 5–7pm. Nation­al EV expert Nigel Zeid will give an all things EV talk and answer your ques­tions. The Col­orado Ener­gy Office will speak on Colorado’s...