5 Colorado Cities Found as Best for Owning Electric Trucks

October 21, 2021

5 Colorado Cities Found as Best for Owning Electric Trucks

This past year has seen a roll out of announce­ments from auto deal­ers for elec­tric trucks. From the punk-rock Tes­la Cybertruck to the clas­sic elec­tri­fied F‑150 (known as the Light­ning) to the new kid on the block Riv­ian, automak­ers are bet­ting big on elec­tri­fy­ing America’s favorite vehicle.

One may assume that the typ­i­cal truck dri­ver isn’t wor­ried about their car­bon foot­print. They want horse­pow­er (elec­tric trucks can pro­vide sur­pris­ing torque), tow­ing and haul­ing capa­bil­i­ty (and new bat­tery pow­ered trucks are built with util­i­ty in mind), and an approach­able price point.

Will truck dri­vers actu­al­ly make the tran­si­tion from their gas guz­zlers to the qui­eter, yet equal­ly pow­er­ful elec­tric ver­sion? That’s the big question.

In a new study from move­Bud­dha, they’ve tried to uncov­er which cities across the nation are prime can­di­dates for elec­tric truck-dri­ving. We’re pleased to announce that 5 Col­orado cities top the list!

#2 Boul­der

#10 High­lands Ranch

#13 West­min­ster

#18 Cen­ten­ni­al
#22 Arvada

Graph­ic from moveBuddha.

The study takes into account a vari­ety of fac­tors including:

  • EV Charg­ing: Num­ber of elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing sta­tions per 100k residents.
  • Elec­tric Infra­struc­ture: Elec­tric­i­ty price and statewide laws or incentives.
  • Truck Own­er­ship: Demo­graph­ic fac­tors indi­cat­ing a truck buy­ing population.
  • Out­door Activ­i­ties: Den­si­ty of out­door activ­i­ties such as camp­ing and parks.

Their scor­ing sys­tem awards dou­ble points for the EV Charg­ing fac­tor based on the fact that this is often a bar­ri­er for adoption.

To bet­ter under­stand we can look to Boul­der, the #2 city in the rank­ing. Boul­der per­forms excep­tion­al­ly well when we look at the “Out­door Activ­i­ties” score with a high score of 10, but lacks con­sid­er­ably com­pared to the #1 city on the list when we look at the EV Charg­ing score. Boulder’s EV Charg­ing score of 6.2 rep­re­sents 152 charg­ing stations/100K res­i­dents). Com­pare that to the #1 city of San­ta Clara with the high­est rate at 247/100K res­i­dents and a score of 10 for EV Charging.

One big hur­dle, along with any elec­tric vehi­cle dri­ver, is build­ing a bet­ter charg­ing infra­struc­ture through­out the nation. The only oth­er state on the list in com­pe­ti­tion with Col­orado is Cal­i­for­nia, large­ly thanks to many of their cities hav­ing high­er scores for elec­tric charging.

Here at Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado, we are active­ly work­ing to increase efforts in Col­orado to elec­tri­fy our roads. More elec­tric vehi­cles will pro­pel the accel­er­a­tion of our tran­si­tion to elec­tric and in turn bol­ster the infra­struc­ture required to make this change.

Thank you to move­Bud­dha for writ­ing this guest blog arti­cle. Read the orig­i­nal arti­cle here. 

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