Utilities Rebates & Incentives

Your local utility may offer rebates for the purchase of a new EV or the installation of a residential Level 2 charger.

Check below to learn more about what your utility offers:

*Only util­i­ties with active EV pur­chase and EV charg­er pro­grams are list­ed below. If your util­i­ty is not list­ed below, we encour­age you to call your util­i­ty and advo­cate for an EV rebate pro­gram, or con­tact us to learn more.

Black Hills Energy
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives 
    • Res­i­den­tial:
      • Receive $500 per port off the pur­chase and instal­la­tion of a res­i­den­tial Lev­el 2 charger. 
        • Income qual­i­fied cus­tomers can receive up to $1,300 per port.
        • You must enroll in the Res­i­den­tial Time-of-Day rate to receive this rebate.
        • You must pur­chase a charg­er from either Charge­Point or Enel X and share charg­ing data with BHE.
    • Lev­el 2: 
      • Receive up to $2,000 per port for the instal­la­tion and pur­chase of a Lev­el 2 charg­er at your local business.
      • Receive up to $3,000 per port for the instal­la­tion and pur­chase of a Lev­el 2 charg­er for Gov­ern­ments and non­prof­it organizations.
    • DCFC Lev­el 3: 
      • Receive up to $35,000 per sta­tion for the instal­la­tion and pur­chase of a Pub­lic DC Fast Charg­er, depend­ing on kW of charger.
  • If you want to know more about how Black Hills Ener­gy is sup­port­ing the advance­ment of EVs and EV infra­struc­ture in Col­orado, check out the pro­posed Black Hills Ener­gy Trans­porta­tion Elec­tri­fi­ca­tion Plan.
City of Aspen
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives 
    • Rebates are avail­able for the pur­chase of lev­el 2 and lev­el 3 elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ers. Rebates are admin­is­tered by Com­mu­ni­ty Office for Resource Effi­cien­cy (CORE).
    • Receive 25% or up to $500 from City of Aspen Elec­tric 25% or up to $500 from CORE. Learn more here.
    • Com­mer­cial busi­ness­es loca­tions in the Roar­ing Fork Val­ley are eli­gi­ble for $2,500 per project, up to 25% of project costs for lev­el 2 or lev­el 3 EV charg­ing sta­tions. Learn more here.
City of Denver

EV Charg­er Home Wiring Rebate 

You could be eli­gi­ble for a $1,000 rebate and a $1,700 rebate for income qual­i­fied appli­cants to help cov­er the cost of upgrad­ing home wiring for Lev­el 2 charg­er. It can be used for wiring, installing a new pan­el, part of the charg­ing sta­tion cost, etc. This rebate is stack­able with Xcel Energy's rebate. 

This rebate is avail­able into 2024. 

You can find more infor­ma­tion here.  

Colorado Springs Utilities
Empire Electric Association
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to 50% or $500 for the pur­chase of a Lev­el 2 charg­er with­out data col­lec­tion abil­i­ty and 50% or $500 for instal­la­tion of charger.
    • Receive up to 50% or $1,000 for the pur­chase of a Lev­el 2 charg­er with data col­lec­tion abil­i­ty and 50%  or $1,000 for instal­la­tion of charger.
    • DCFC Lev­el 3 (capac­i­ty 50 kW < 100 kW): Receive up to $3,000 or 50% off the pur­chase of a Lev­el 3 charg­er with data col­lec­tion abil­i­ty and $3,000 or 50% off the instal­la­tion price of a charg­er (must be a large pow­er rate).
    • DCFC Lev­el 3 (capac­i­ty =>100 kW): Receive up to $4,000 or 50% off the pur­chase of a Lev­el 3 charg­er with data col­lec­tion abil­i­ty and $4,000 or 50% off the instal­la­tion price of a charg­er (must be a large pow­er rate).
Electric Outdoor Power Equipment Rebates
  • Receive 25% or up to $100 for pur­chase of an elec­tric mow­er, snow blower.
  • Receive 25% or up to $50 for pur­chase of oth­er elec­tric out­door pow­er equipment. 
    • Max­i­mum year­ly out­door equip­ment rebate of $300/member account.
Efficiency Works

Effi­cien­cy Works unites the ener­gy and water effi­cien­cy offer­ings of the north­ern Col­orado util­i­ties of Estes Park Pow­er and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Fort Collins Util­i­ties, Long­mont Pow­er & Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Love­land Water and Pow­er and Plat­te Riv­er Pow­er Authority.

EV Infor­ma­tion Page

EV charg­ing infra­struc­ture rebate: Rebates avail­able for pub­licly acces­si­ble Lev­el 2 charg­ers that are installed at com­mer­cial or mul­ti­fam­i­ly prop­er­ties. Incen­tives are based on the num­ber of charg­ing points installed and net­work­ing capa­bil­i­ties. Learn more about rebate eli­gi­bil­i­ty and requirements.

Grand Valley Power
Grand Val­ley Pow­er recent­ly launched a new Elec­tric Vehi­cle – Time-of-Use (EV-TOU) pro­gram that is designed to help EV own­ers save. Sim­ply put, mem­bers who charge their elec­tric vehi­cle dur­ing EV Charg­ing hours (11 p.m. – 7 a.m.) can low­er their ener­gy costs.

Gun­ni­son Coun­ty Electric

  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Offers & Programs
    • Test Dri­ve Pro­gram – GCEA mem­bers can bor­row a 2018 Chevy Bolt for up to a week at a time to dri­ve free of charge and with­out mileage restric­tions. Mem­bers may also take a Tes­la Mod­el 3 on a 30 minute dri­ve with GCEA representative. 
      • Due to COVID-19 restric­tions, GCEA is cur­rent­ly not tak­ing reser­va­tions for Tes­la test dri­ves. The Bolt is avail­able for week-long loans and is thor­ough­ly cleaned and dis­in­fect­ed with a 72 hour wait­ing peri­od between appointments.
    • Apply for GCEA’s Charge at Home Pro­gram to receive a FREE lev­el 2 Charge­Point Home Flex charg­ing sta­tion for those pur­chas­ing or estab­lished own­ers of EVs. 
      • Receive a rebate of up to $250 for the elec­tric instal­la­tion cost.
    • Receive 70% or up to $500 of the cost of a Lev­el 2 home charg­er plus a 5% dis­count on charg­ers pur­chased from GCEA. To qual­i­fy for this incen­tive, you must sign up for the time-of-use rate.
Holy Cross Energy
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive $200 when you pur­chase a new e‑bike. Click here for sug­gest­ed local retailers.
    • Receive a FREE Charge­Point Home Lev­el 2 EV Charg­er (up to two charg­ers for two EVs) and either pay the instal­la­tion cost your­self or spread it out over three years on your elec­tric bill.
    • Advo­cate for a Lev­el 2 charg­er at your work­place by receiv­ing a dis­count­ed price for your employ­er with this pro­gram.
La Plata Electric Association
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive 25% off the price of an e‑bike and oth­er out­door elec­tric equip­ment (snow­blow­er, lawn mover, etc) up to $50-$150 per item with a com­bined max­i­mum rebate of $300 per mem­ber per year.
    • Receive a FREE Lev­el 2 Charge­Point Flex plug-in charg­er (retail val­ue of approx. $700) and a rebate of up to $500, not to exceed 50% of elec­tric parts and labor costs is avail­able if a suit­able out­let is need­ed in the home. *LPEA will own and main­tain the charg­er on the mem­bers’ behalf and par­tic­i­pants must allow access to usage information.
    • Receive $500 or up to 50% of mate­r­i­al costs for the inde­pen­dent pur­chase and instal­la­tion of a Lev­el 2 home charg­er. Apply here.
  • Elec­tric Out­door Pow­er Equip­ment Rebates
    • Receive 25% of the price of an e‑bike, snow blow­er, lawn mow­er, and oth­er out­door pow­er equip­ment rang­ing from $50-$150 per item. 
      • Com­bined max­i­mum rebate of $300/member account per year.
Mountain Parks Electric
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to $500 for pur­chase a Lev­el 2 res­i­den­tial charg­er and $500 for wiring/installation fees, WiFi capable.
    • Receive up to $250 for exist­ing instal­la­tions of a Lev­el 2 res­i­den­tial charg­er and up to $250 for the wiring/installation costs. 
      • *Lev­el 2 charg­ers must be WiFi capable
      • *To qual­i­fy, you must enroll in the res­i­den­tial time-of-use rate
Mountain View Electric Association
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive 50% of EV charg­ing equip­ment up to $250. 50% of elec­tric ser­vice instal­la­tion up to $250 for pri­vate or pub­lic instal­la­tion of Lev­el 2 charg­ers with­out data and fee col­lec­tion ability.
    • Receive 50% of EV charg­ing equip­ment and elec­tric ser­vice instal­la­tion up to $1,000 for pub­lic acces­si­ble instal­la­tions of Lev­el 2 charg­ers with data and fee col­lec­tion ability.
    • Receive 50% of EV charg­ing equip­ment and elec­tric ser­vice instal­la­tion up to $3,000 for pub­lic acces­si­ble instal­la­tions of Lev­el 3 DC Fast Charg­ers with data and fee col­lec­tion abil­i­ty for 50 kW peak out­put. Pub­lic acces­si­ble instal­la­tions only.
    • Receive 50% of EV charg­ing equip­ment and elec­tric instal­la­tion costs up to $5,000 for 100 kW (& above) peak out­put. Pub­lic acces­si­ble instal­la­tions only.
Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association
  • EV Infor­ma­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to 50% or up to $250 for the cost of equip­ment and 50% or up to $250 for the cost of instal­la­tion of a lev­el 2 pri­vate use charg­er. Apply here.
    • Receive up to $2,500 with the first $100 paid by mem­ber (equip­ment and instal­la­tion) for a lev­el 2 pub­lic use charg­er. *this is a lim­it­ed time spe­cial rebate*
    • Receive fund­ing for a lev­el 3 charg­er, eval­u­at­ed on a case-by-case sce­nario. Con­tact PVREA to see if you qualify.
Sangre de Cristo Electric Association
  • EV Rebates & Incentives 
    • No EV pur­chase incen­tives are available.
    • EV charg­er rebates 
      • Lev­el 2 (No retail sale or fee col­lec­tion capa­bil­i­ty): 50% of equip­ment and instal­la­tion costs up to $500 for non-man­aged charg­ers and up to $1000 for man­aged chargers.
      • DCFC and Lev­el 2 (Retail sale or fee col­lec­tion capa­ble): 50% of equip­ment and instal­la­tion costs up to $1000 for lev­el 2, up to $3000 for DCFC rat­ed 50–75 kW, up to $5000 for DCFC rat­ed 76–149 kW, and up to $7500 for DCFC rat­ed 150+ kW.
      • All costs are required to be sub­mit­ted on one application.
      • One rebate per installed charg­er; mul­ti­ple ports do not qual­i­fy for mul­ti­ple rebates.
      • Man­aged charg­er pro­grams include mem­ber sys­tem led demand response con­trol or time of use elec­tric rate.
      • Pho­to of pur­chased equipment/installation required.
    • Apply for rebates for elec­tric out­door equip­ment includ­ing elec­tric lawn mow­ers, snow blow­ers, and elec­tric trim­mers, pruners, chain­saws, and blow­ers here.
    • This is a pilot pro­gram and will be hon­ored as first-come, first-serve until bud­get is exhaust­ed. Spe­cif­ic rebate amounts are not avail­able. Learn more here.
San Isabel Electric Association
  • EV Edu­ca­tion Page
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to $500 for the pur­chase of a qual­i­fy­ing plug-in elec­tric vehicle.
    • Receive 25% or up to $150 for the pur­chase of an e‑bike.
    • Receive 50% or up to $250 for the pur­chase and up to $250 for instal­la­tion of a Lev­el 2 charg­ing sta­tion with­out net­work capability.
    • Receive 50% or up to $1,000 for the pur­chase and instal­la­tion of a Lev­el 2 charg­ing sta­tion with net­work capability.
    • Receive 50% or up to $3,000 for the pur­chase and instal­la­tion of a Lev­el 3 DCFC 50 kW peak out­put charger.
    • Receive 50% or up to $5,000 for the pur­chase and instal­la­tion of a Lev­el 3 DCFC 100kW+ peak out­put charger.
San Luis Valley Rural Electric Cooperative
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive 50% or up to $250 for the cost of equip­ment and 50% or $250 for the cost of instal­la­tion of a lev­el 2 charg­ers with­out net­work capability.
    • Receive 50% or up to $1,000 for the cost of equip­ment and instal­la­tion of a pub­lic lev­el 2 charg­ers with net­work capability.
    • Receive 50% or up to $3,000 for the cost of equip­ment and instal­la­tion for a pub­lic lev­el 3 50kW-99kW peak out­put charg­er with net­work capability.
    • Receive 50% or up to $5,000 for the cost of equip­ment and instal­la­tion for a pub­lic lev­el 3 100+ kW peak out­put charg­er with net­work capability.
San Miguel Power
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to $1,000 or 50% cost match for a Lev­el 2 residential/private charg­er and elec­tric ser­vice installation.
    • Receive up to $2,000 or 50% cost match for a Lev­el 2 pub­lic charg­er and elec­tric ser­vice instal­la­tion, data col­lec­tion capa­bil­i­ty required.
    • Receive up to $6,000 or 50% cost match for a Lev­el 3 DC Fast Charg­er and elec­tric ser­vice instal­la­tion, data col­lec­tion capa­bil­i­ty required.
    • Receive up to $2,500 for truck stop/ park­ing electrification. 
      • Apply for EV charg­er rebates here.
United Power
  • EV Rebates & Incentives
    • Rebate toward the cost of a licensed elec­tri­cian to install a NEMA 14–50 out­let for a Lev­el 2 vehi­cle charger. 
      • With­out Unit­ed EV enroll­ment: 50% of the cost, up to $500
      • Unit­ed EV Pro­gram Par­tic­i­pants: 50% of the cost, up to $1,000
White River Electric Association
  • EV Rebates & Incen­tives are not avail­able at this time.
  • Elec­tric Out­door Pow­er Equip­ment Rebates
    • Receive 25% or up to $150 for the pur­chase of an elec­tric lawn mow­ers, snow blow­er, and e‑bikes.
    • Receive 25% or up to $50 for the pur­chase of elec­tric trim­mers, pruners, chain­saws, blow­ers, and pow­er washers.
Xcel Energy
Yampa Valley Electric
  • Rebates & Incentives
    • Receive up to $250 for a res­i­den­tial lev­el 2 charg­er, must be WiFi capable. 
      • Fill out the appli­ca­tion form here.

Inter­est­ed in learn­ing about e‑bike rebates? Click here.



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