Stakeholder Spotlight — City of Lafayette

Stakeholder Spotlight — City of Lafayette

One of our Vol­un­teer EV Coach­es, Julia, show­cas­ing her Tes­la Mod­el 3 at last year's Lafayette Earth Day Event.   Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado is excit­ed to spot­light one of our Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ners, the City of Lafayette! Lafayette is com­mit­ted to...
Winter Driving in an EV? 

Winter Driving in an EV? 

Win­ter Dri­ving in an EV?  What should I know switch­ing from my gas vehicle?  My name is Ben West­by and I am a Vol­un­teer EV coach rep­re­sent­ing the West­ern Slope region. I live in the region known as the Flat­tops, at about 9,000 ft ele­va­tion...
Stakeholder Spotlight: Emich VW

Stakeholder Spotlight: Emich VW

One of Emich's VW ID.4s at the Cen­ten­ni­al Hol­i­day Arti­san Mar­ket on Decem­ber 3, 2022.   Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado is excit­ed to spot­light one of our Plat­inum Spon­sors, Emich Volk­swa­gen! Emich VW is a fam­i­ly-owned and oper­at­ed deal­er­ship...
EVs on the Road in Colorado Report

EVs on the Road in Colorado Report

Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado presents an EVs in Col­orado report. Using data from the Col­orado Ener­gy Office’s EV Dash­board and the Alter­na­tive Fuel­ing Sta­tion Loca­tor from the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, below is the most cur­rent and accu­rate...

Eliminating Range Anxiety

Be Pre­pared. The Scouts mot­to can be applied in so many areas of life, maybe most impor­tant­ly with trav­el­ing or the unex­pect­ed in emer­gency. Fac­ing emer­gen­cies with an elec­tric car is often an adjust­ment com­pared to a gas car. True, there are not...