Stakeholder Spotlight: Emich VW

March 1, 2023

One of Emich's VW ID.4s at the Centennial Holiday Artisan Market on December 3, 2022.


Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado is excit­ed to spot­light one of our Plat­inum Spon­sors, Emich Volk­swa­gen! Emich VW is a fam­i­ly-owned and oper­at­ed deal­er­ship in Den­ver, estab­lished in 1922. They offer a range of new and pre-owned Volk­swa­gen cars, crossovers and SUVs, includ­ing the Volk­swa­gen ID.4. As a Fea­tured Deal­er with Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and a plat­inum spon­sor of Dri­ve Clean Col­orado, Emich Volk­swa­gen has been a valu­able part­ner to bring more aware­ness to the ID.4 at con­sumer and fleet elec­tric vehi­cle show­cas­es and ride and dri­ves.  

Emich Volk­swa­gen is com­mit­ted to EV edu­ca­tion and adop­tion and has proven a will­ing­ness to pro­vide that edu­ca­tion through appear­ances at events as well as hav­ing an extreme­ly respon­sive, knowl­edge­able, and help­ful sales staff. They've also invest­ed in charg­ing infra­struc­ture and have installed two pub­lic DC fast charg­ers on the prop­er­ty for guests to use. Their experts have assist­ed con­sumers with ques­tions about every­day dri­ving needs, range anx­i­ety, and more, and it's no sur­prise that they are rat­ed as one of the high­est auto­mo­bile deal­er­ships in the Den­ver metro area and are #1 in Volk­swa­gen sales in all of Colorado.


Fred Emich

“Emich VW is proud to work with Drive Clean Colorado to further promote and educate customers on the advantages of electric vehicles and to support a cleaner tomorrow.” 

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