Fat Tire Electric Bikes

FATTE Bikes: Fat Tire Elec­tric Bikes Ken­ny Fis­ch­er at the Fat­tE Bikes shop in Den­ver, Colorado There’s more to elec­tri­fy­ing your ride than just dri­ving elec­tric. You can bike elec­tric, too! Ken­ny Fis­ch­er, the co-founder of Fat­tE Bikes, spoke with...
Why Switch to an EV?

Why Switch to an EV?

Why Switch to an EV? As gas prices sky­rock­et, the inter­est in EVs is also sky­rock­et­ing. Tes­la report­ed­ly has seen a dou­bling of orders in the past few weeks. Oth­er EV man­u­fac­tur­ers have not report­ed in, but their demand has prob­a­bly gone up...

EV Registration Fee in Colorado

It seems like the world of 2022 is full of fees. Fees to bring a car­ry-on with Fron­tier Air­lines. Fees to book a place to stay in Airbnb. Fees to park your car at a hotel park­ing lot. And none of them ever feel great to pay. How­ev­er, there is one fee I am hap­py...
8 Tips For Starting Your Journey to Buying an EV

8 Tips For Starting Your Journey to Buying an EV

Ready to start dri­ving an EV but not sure where to start? Here are some tips about how to nav­i­gate the EV Buy­ing Experience: Tip 1: Deter­mine your dri­ving needs How far do you dri­ve on a typ­i­cal day? Are you an adven­tur­ous dri­ver who often likes to...