Community Charging with EVmatch

September 19, 2020

Look­ing for more places to charge your EV?

Want to improve EV acces­si­bil­i­ty in your area?

EVmatch is a nation­wide peer-to-peer net­work for shar­ing and rent­ing pri­vate EV charg­ing stations.

By pro­vid­ing increased charg­ing sta­tions, EVMatch sup­ports the adop­tion of elec­tric vehi­cles in your area. As the Airbnb of EV charg­ing, EVmatch makes it eas­i­er for dri­vers to access reli­able, reserv­able, and afford­able charg­ing all across the U.S. Pri­vate res­i­dents and busi­ness­es can rent out charg­ing sta­tions or out­lets for guests to book near their apart­ments or on the road. Whether you're look­ing for more charg­ing options, depend­able charg­ing near your home, or set­ting out on a road trip, EVmatch has you covered. 

Down­load the iOS or Android app to take advan­tage of charg­ing acces­si­bil­i­ty on the go. Ques­tions? Con­tact or call (970)631‑5121.

Woman holding EV charger while standing next to her vehicle outside her home

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