Colorado Springs EV Club Visiting Walsenburg for EVOverload21
A chance to see how many cars can be charged simultaneously in Walsenburg, CO
After the recent launch of four new publicly accessible electric vehicle charge ports at the EV Trail charging station at George’s Drive Inn, the Colorado Springs EV Club has scheduled a club drive to the station on Saturday, November 13, 2021. The event is being dubbed EVOverload21 because one goal is to demonstrate that overloading the available charge ports will not negatively impact any other San Isabel Electric Association customers. There are six total public charge ports in Walsenburg, including two at the South Central Council of Governments office. All available ports will be in use starting at around 11:30 am. “It’s likely that the population of electric vehicles in Walsenburg will double or triple for a couple hours,” said Curtis Claar, founder of EV Trail. “We needed to test the new chargers for maximum load and with the CSEVC participating, local residents will have a chance to see multiple electric vehicles and meet with their owners.” The new charging station at George’s Drive Inn features a CHAdeMO plug, a CCS plug, and two J1772 plugs, allowing all electric cars sold in the US to be charged. EV Trail is offering free charging all day on Saturday, November 13.
About the Colorado Springs EV Club: The Colorado Springs EV Club (CSEVC) is a group based in Colorado Springs whose members promote the ownership and use of electric vehicles. Club members drive all kinds of electric vehicles, including vehicles manufactured by Tesla, BMW, Mini, Nissan, Chevrolet, Ford, Audi, Jaguar and others; electric bikes and more. The club is active throughout the region and its members love to introduce people to electric vehicles.
About EV Trail: Other Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) companies have been focused on the local and corridor commutes as critical steps to broad adoption of EV usage. EV Trail is focused on long-distance EV travel, largely in underpopulated remote areas, specifically between Albuquerque and Mount Rushmore. We believe this is a critical component of EV adoption. Much like the Oregon Trail and other trails from over 100 years ago that became a huge part of developing our country, EV Trail is poised to become an equally large part of America.