Electric Vehicles on the Road in Colorado – January 1, 2022

February 15, 2022




Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado presents an EVs in Col­orado report. Using data from the Col­orado Ener­gy Office’s EV Dash­board and the Alter­na­tive Fuel­ing Sta­tion Loca­tor from the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado pro­vides the most cur­rent and accu­rate sales data for EVs and charg­ing data by coun­ty, make/model, and elec­tric vehi­cle type.

As of Jan­u­ary 1, 2022, there were 49,271 EVs on the road in Col­orado, up from  39,415 EVs since August 1, 2021. Of this total, 34,641 were bat­tery elec­tric vehi­cles (BEV) and 14,630 were plug-in hybrid elec­tric vehi­cles (PHEV).

Key points from the most cur­rent data since Jan­u­ary 1, 2022:

  • Elec­tric car sales were up 25% (+9,856 EVs) from August 1, 2021.
  • Top-sell­ing elec­tric car makes:
    • Tes­la
    • Nis­san
    • Chevro­let
    • BMW
    • Ford

 There are cur­rent­ly 3,961 total charg­ing ports avail­able in Col­orado, up 303 ports from August 1, 2021. With­in this total, 3,361 of these are Lev­el 2 charg­ers, and 600 of these Lev­el 3/DC fast chargers.

Charge­Point Net­work owns most of these Lev­el 2 ports (1,837) and Tes­la owns the most DC fast charg­er ports (259). From quar­ter 2 of 2021 (Jan­u­ary 4 – June 3), there was an aver­age of 1,027 active charg­ing sta­tions with 149,507 hours of charg­ing over 81,259 charg­ing ses­sions. This infor­ma­tion has not been updat­ed since the date of the last report.


Break­ing it down by coun­ty and vehi­cle mod­el, here are the top mod­els and top coun­ties where they are sold:

Boul­der County

  • 7,554 elec­tric vehi­cles (5,626 BEVs and 1,928 PHEVs)
  • 80 EV models
  • High­est num­ber of Nis­sans: 1,950
  • High­est num­ber of Fiats: 80
  • High­est num­ber of Volk­swag­ons: 78
  • High­est num­ber of Toy­otas: 392

Den­ver County

  • 7,759 elec­tric vehi­cles (5,444 BEVs and 2,315 PHEVs)
  • 80 EV models
  • High­est num­ber of Tes­las: 3,486
  • High­est num­ber of BMWs: 445
  • High­est num­ber of Volvos: 338
  • High­est num­ber of Aud­is: 302
  • High­est num­ber of Mit­subishis: 146
  • High­est num­ber of Min­is: 109
  • High­est num­ber of Ford: 277

Jef­fer­son County

  • 6,116 elec­tric vehi­cles (4,360 BEVs and 1,756 PHEVs)
  • 82 EV models
  • High­est num­ber of Chevro­lets: 703
  • High­est num­ber of Chryslers (PHEV): 62
  • High­est num­ber of Hon­das: 53

Ara­pa­hoe County

  • 5,474 elec­tric vehi­cles (4,008 BEVs and 1,466 PHEVs)
  • 78 EV models
  • High­est num­ber of Kias: 267

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