
Chang­ing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the fil­tered results. 

Electrify Longmont 

Longs Peak Mid­dle School  1500 14th Ave, Long­mont, CO 

Join us, Sus­tain­able Resilient Long­mont, and the Long­mont chap­ter of Cit­i­zens’ Cli­mate Lob­by for Elec­tri­fy Long­mont, pre­sent­ed by Pre­mier Mem­bers Cred­it Union in con­junc­tion with Nation­al Dri­ve Elec­tric Week. Stop by on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 30 from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. at Longs Peak Mid­dle School for this fun, edu­ca­tion­al event that event will fea­ture: Information […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

New Energy Colorado's Metro Denver Green Homes Tour EV Roundup 

Amer­i­can Moun­taineer­ing Cen­ter park­ing lot  710 10th St, Gold­en, CO 

Take a tour of Metro Den­ver Green Homes by EV, and check out a round-up of EVs dur­ing the post-tour recep­tion. There will also be eBikes avail­able for test rides. Bring your EV to the Metro Den­ver Green Homes Tour Elec­tric Vehi­cle Roundup "shown and tell"! This year it will be held in the park­ing lot of […]

Boo on Briggs EV Showcase/Ride and Drive 

Brig­gs St, Erie, 80516 

Join the Town of Erie for a fam­i­ly friend­ly trick or treat event, fea­tur­ing EVs from Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado! We'll have an EV show­case and a ride and dri­ve com­po­nent, and chil­dren will be able to get can­dy from the "frunk" (front trunk) of elec­tric vehi­cles. Learn all about dri­ving elec­tric, come in cos­tume, and […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Latino Chamber's First Minority Ride and Drive 

Long­mont Museum  400 Quail Rd, Long­mont, CO 

Join the Lati­no Cham­ber, PACE, Boul­der Coun­ty, and Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado for the Chamber's first EV ride and dri­ve at the Tamale Fair fes­ti­val on Novem­ber 18 from 2–7pm at the Long­mont Muse­um. Atten­dees must pur­chase a tick­et to attend which cov­ers the price of the tamale tast­ing com­pe­ti­tion and sup­ports small busi­ness­es. There will […]


Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Sustainable Neighborhood Network: EV Presentation 

Lake­wood Cul­tur­al Cen­ter (Com­mu­ni­ty Room)  470 S Alli­son Pkwy, Lake­wood, CO 

Call­ing the Lake­wood com­mu­ni­ty: are you inter­est­ed in dri­ving elec­tric? Do you have ques­tions on EVs and charg­ing? Join Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado and the Sus­tain­able Neigh­bor­hood Net­work at the Lake­wood Cul­tur­al Cen­ter to learn from local EV own­ers about their real-world expe­ri­ences. Top­ics cov­ered will include total cost of own­er­ship, EV incen­tives, EV ben­e­fits and […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]