
Chang­ing any of the form inputs will cause the list of events to refresh with the fil­tered results. 

Lyons Earth Day Event 

Bohn Park 199 2nd Ave. Lyons, CO 80540  199 2nd Ave, Lyons 

Lyons is host­ing an Earth Day event on April 21! There will be a Cybertruck, a Riv­ian, a LEAF, a Bolt, and a Mod­el 3. EV own­ers will be there to answer ques­tions and show you their vehi­cles. Go Elec­tric Col­orado, a non­prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing home­own­ers go elec­tric, will also have a booth nearby […]

Plug It in! Road Show Earth Day EV Ride and Drive 

Del Mar Park, 12000 E 6th Ave, Auro­ra, CO 80010 

Join this EV ride and dri­ve event in Auro­ra with Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado, Monar­ca Group, the Col­orado Ener­gy Office, and MIEL. There will be food, give­aways for kids, a face painter, and resources about dri­ving elec­tric, plus Span­ish inter­pre­ta­tion. For more infor­ma­tion, click here.

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

Fort Collins EV Ride and Drive 

1200 Rain­tree Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80526 

Join Monar­ca Group and ISAAC of North­ern Col­orado for an EV ride and dri­ve event at the Fort Collins Senior Cen­ter from 1–5pm on Sun­day, June 2 for an excit­ing after­noon explor­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy, elec­tric vehi­cles, and sus­tain­able home solu­tions. 🌍 Plug It In! at the ISAAC Resource Fair 🌞The Isaac Resource Fair, part of the […]

CSU Ride and Drive 

Moby Park­ing Lot- 951 W Plum St, Fort Collins, CO 80521 

CSU employ­ees are invit­ed to test dri­ve a vari­ety of new plug-in elec­tric and hybrid vehi­cle mod­els at a free “Ride and Dri­ve” event on Thurs­day, June 6, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., out­side the Moby park­ing lot. Reg­is­ter here. CSU Park­ing and Trans­porta­tion Ser­vices has part­nered with Dri­ve Clean Col­orado to give CSU […]

Boulder Rotary Club EV and E‑bike Expo 

Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter, 6007 Oreg Avenue, Boul­der, CO 

Join the Boul­der Rotary Club and the Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter for an EV and e‑bike expo on June 17 from 5–7pm. Nation­al EV expert Nigel Zeid will give an all things EV talk and answer your ques­tions. The Col­orado Ener­gy Office will speak on Colorado’s pro­gram to pro­mote EVs. David Askey will speak on his […]

Small Business Conference and Expo (with Latino Chamber) 

Leeds School of Busi­ness at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado Boul­der 995 Regent Dri­ve Boul­der, CO 80309 

The 1st Bilin­gual Small Busi­ness Con­fer­ence and Expo, orga­nized by the Lati­no Cham­ber in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Boul­der SBDC and Leeds School of Busi­ness at CU Boul­der, rep­re­sents a ground­break­ing ini­tia­tive aimed at fos­ter­ing the growth and devel­op­ment of small busi­ness­es with­in the com­mu­ni­ty. Learn about Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado from 8 am — 10 am, then […]

Event Series Lafayette Cars & Coffee

Lafayette Cars & Coffee 

Flatirons Church  355 W South Boul­der Rd, Lafayette, CO, Unit­ed States 

Join EV own­ers at the month­ly Cars and Cof­fee event at Flatirons Church in Layafette from 7am-10am. This EV show­case is a great way to get some ques­tions answered about EVs or to show off your own car. Look for the white EV sign that says "Ask Us About Elec­tric Vehi­cles". This is a recurring […]

State of Charge 2024 

4777 Nation­al West­ern Dr Den­ver, CO 80216 

Back for the third year in a row, Ohm on the Range is host­ing the State of Charge EV-ent, an edu­ca­tion­al con­fer­ence for per­for­mance EV con­ver­sions, fea­tur­ing guest pan­els and speak­ers, an EV expo, and more! New for 2024: While pre­vi­ous iter­a­tions of SOC includ­ed a sep­a­rate pub­lic show­case of elec­tric vehi­cles (La Vida Vol­ta!), this […]

Electrify Expo (in Denver!) 

4701 N Mar­i­on St, Den­ver, CO 80216 

Elec­tri­fy Expo was cre­at­ed to accel­er­ate the adop­tion of elec­tric vehi­cles by pro­vid­ing the very thing most like­ly to help peo­ple make the switch: demo ride expe­ri­ences! With the world's lead­ing brands in atten­dance and over 1 mil­lion square feet of fun, Elec­tri­fy Expo is North America's largest and #1 EV event plat­form. There will […]

Ford Model E Cars and Coffee 

Cher­ry Lot — 605 Wal­nut St, Den­ver, CO 80204 

Join Ford and Ford Car Clubs around Col­orado for an EV show­case and casu­al Mod­el E meet and greet on July 13, 8–10am before the Elec­tri­fy Expo takes place in Den­ver. Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado Vol­un­teer EV Coach­es and Ford EV enthu­si­asts will be present. Patrick Ander­son & Liv Leigh from Mach‑E Vlog and the founders […]