DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado presents an EVs in ColÂorado report.
Using data from the ColÂorado EnerÂgy Office’s EV DashÂboard and the AlterÂnaÂtive FuelÂing StaÂtion LocaÂtor from the DepartÂment of EnerÂgy, below is the most curÂrent and accuÂrate sales data for EVs and chargÂing data by counÂty, make/model, and elecÂtric vehiÂcle type.
As of June 6, 2023, there were 83,448 EVs on the road in ColÂorado, up from 80,192 EVs since April 7, 2023. Of this total, 59,698 were batÂtery elecÂtric vehiÂcles (BEV) and 23,750 were plug-in hybrid elecÂtric vehiÂcles (PHEV). EVs make up around 2.25% of all vehiÂcles on the road in ColÂorado. There are approxÂiÂmateÂly 14.58 EVs per 1,000 people.
The averÂage EV range in ColÂorado is 192.11 miles. AverÂage BEV range is 253.46 miles while PHEV range is 29.88 miles. AverÂage BEV MSRP is $45,124.25 while averÂage PHEV MSRP is $52,124.09.
The most comÂmon comÂmute time is between 15–30 minÂutes, with comÂmutes 30–60 minÂutes comÂing in secÂond (29.05%) and comÂmutes 15 minÂutes or less falling closeÂly behind (26.28%).
Key points from the most curÂrent data:
- ElecÂtric vehiÂcle adopÂtion was up 2.15% (+1794 EVs) in only two months from April 7, 2023.
- Top sellÂing elecÂtric car makes:
- TesÂla
- NisÂsan
- ChevroÂlet
- Ford
- ToyÂota
There are curÂrentÂly 4,848 total pubÂlic chargÂing ports availÂable in ColÂorado, up 173 ports from April 7, 2023. WithÂin this total, 3,993 of these are LevÂel 2 chargÂers and 855 of these are LevÂel 3/DC fast chargÂers. ChargeÂPoint NetÂwork has proÂvidÂed most of these LevÂel 2 ports (2,244) and TesÂla owns the most DC fast chargÂer ports (348). ChargÂing ports are up 3.6% overÂall this quarter.
BreakÂing it down by counÂty and vehiÂcle modÂel, here are the top modÂels and top counÂties where EVs are on the road:
Denver County
- 14,646 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (9,807 BEVs and 4,839 PHEVs)
- 859 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel 3
Boulder County
- 10,755 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (8,081 BEVs and 2,674 PHEVs)
- 737 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel Y
Jefferson County
- 9,811 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (7,171 BEVs and 2,640 PHEVs)
- 476 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel Y
Arapahoe County
- 9,091 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (6,858 BEVs and 2,233 PHEVs)
- 305 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel Y
Douglas County
- 8,714 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (6,432 BEVs and 2,282 PHEVs)
- 149 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel Y
El Paso County Douglas County
- 7,141 elecÂtric vehiÂcles (5,135 BEVs and 2,006 PHEVs)
- 212 total chargÂing ports
- TesÂla ModÂel Y