Ford Mach‑E Showcase at Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills
ChristoÂpher N. Detone, GenÂerÂal ManÂagÂer of Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills, gave us some addiÂtionÂal details about the Ford Mach‑E showÂcase on MonÂday, DecemÂber 14, from 1–7pm. The event will be set up like a mini auto show, with two 2021 Ford MusÂtang Mach‑E PreÂmiÂum ediÂtions in InfiÂnite Blue and MetalÂlic Red with all-wheel driÂve on disÂplay. The Phil Long Chapel Hills dealÂerÂship is only one of a few excluÂsive locaÂtions to host the stunÂning Mach‑E up close and perÂsonÂal before its offiÂcial release. RepÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives from Ford Motor comÂpaÂny will be preÂsentÂing the cars inside the facilÂiÂty, and will be availÂable to answer any quesÂtions from attendees.
This showÂcase acts as a preÂview for the online-only modÂel. In this unique deal, the Mach‑E can be preÂordered from the dealÂerÂship or from home, and repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives from Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills will be able to help cusÂtomers choose their preÂferred colÂor, inteÂriÂor, and othÂer cusÂtomizÂable feaÂtures. StartÂing at $42,895 with a range of 210 to 300 miles, this is Ford’s first all-elecÂtric vehiÂcle. While attenÂdees will not be able to test driÂve the car at this event and there will be no stock invenÂtoÂry of this vehiÂcle, Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills will have a demonÂstraÂtion modÂel at their locaÂtion in the next month for test driving!
In addiÂtion, Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills is hostÂing some speÂcial guests and a Toys for Tots proÂgram. Retired BronÂcos lineÂbacker, Randy Gradishar, will be present to meet peoÂple and sign autoÂgraphs. The direcÂtor of the Toys for Tots proÂgram will also be present, as well as a Toys for Tots train in the showÂroom. If you bring a toy to this locaÂtion, you'll earn a rafÂfle tickÂet to win a signed Randy Gradishar footÂball jerÂsey! There will also be two Marines from Cheyenne MounÂtain viewÂing the cars. While you're at the event checkÂing out the Mach‑E's, you may want to take a sneak peak of the 2021 BronÂco Sport as well.
Phil Long Ford of Chapel Hills and the Ford Motor repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives are takÂing any and all necÂesÂsary preÂcauÂtions against COVID-19. There will be hand sanÂiÂtizÂer around the showÂroom, comÂpliÂmenÂtaÂry masks, socialÂly disÂtanced lines, and a recepÂtion area with indiÂvidÂuÂalÂly wrapped snacks. AttenÂdees can rest assured that the dealÂers, staff, and repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives will delivÂer an inforÂmaÂtive and engagÂing expeÂriÂence, and at the same time proÂvide the peace of mind that they going above and beyond to folÂlow CDC guidelines.