Ford Mach‑E Showcase, Phil Long Motor City

December 11, 2020

Ford Mach‑E Showcase at Phil Long Ford of Motor City

Mark Bar­ton, Gen­er­al Man­ag­er of Phil Long Ford of Motor City, gave us some addi­tion­al details about the Ford Mach‑E show­case on Tues­day, Decem­ber 15, from 3–9pm. The event will be set up like a mini auto show, with two 2021 Ford Mus­tang Mach‑E Pre­mi­um edi­tions in Infi­nite Blue and Metal­lic Red with all-wheel dri­ve on dis­play. The Phil Long Motor City deal­er­ship is only one of a few exclu­sive loca­tions to host the stun­ning Mach‑E up close and per­son­al before its offi­cial release. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Ford Motor com­pa­ny will be pre­sent­ing the cars inside the facil­i­ty, and will be avail­able to answer any ques­tions from attendees.

This show­case acts as a pre­view for the online-only mod­el. In this unique deal, the Mach‑E can be pre­ordered from the deal­er­ship or from home, and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Phil Long Ford of Motor City will be able to help cus­tomers choose their pre­ferred col­or, inte­ri­or, and oth­er cus­tomiz­able fea­tures. Start­ing at $42,895 with a range of 210 to 300 miles, this is Ford’s first all-elec­tric vehi­cle. While atten­dees will not be able to test dri­ve the car at this event and there will be no stock inven­to­ry of this vehi­cle, Phil Long Ford of Motor City will have a demon­stra­tion mod­el at their loca­tion in the next month for test dri­ving! If atten­dees pre­order at the event, they can expect an arrival date of the Mach‑E to fall between 4–8 weeks after the pre­order date.

In addi­tion, Phil Long Ford of Motor City  is host­ing some spe­cial guests. Retired Bron­cos line­backer, Randy Gradishar, will be present to meet peo­ple and sign auto­graphs. The dealership's #1 sales dog, Cruz, will also be greet­ing cus­tomers. In addi­tion, the Green Beret Unit will be present. While you're at the event check­ing out the Mach‑E’s, you may want to take a sneak peak of the 2021 Bron­co Sport as well, which will be avail­able for view­ing and test drives.

Phil Long Ford of Motor City and the Ford Motor rep­re­sen­ta­tives are tak­ing any and all nec­es­sary pre­cau­tions against COVID-19. There will be hand san­i­tiz­er around the show­room, com­pli­men­ta­ry masks, social­ly dis­tanced lines, and a recep­tion area with indi­vid­u­al­ly wrapped snacks. Atten­dees can rest assured that the deal­ers, staff, and rep­re­sen­ta­tives will deliv­er an infor­ma­tive and engag­ing expe­ri­ence, and at the same time pro­vide the peace of mind that they going above and beyond to fol­low CDC guidelines.

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