My MPG Tool for EV Owners

September 30, 2021

Enhanced My MPG Tool Sports New Features for EV Owners’s My MPG tool has been help­ing vehi­cle own­ers cal­cu­late, track, and share their fuel econ­o­my for over 15 years. To date, its users have shared over 50,500 fuel econ­o­my esti­mates for more than 13,800 make/model combinations.

Just in time for Nation­al Dri­ve Elec­tric Week (NDEW), the My MPG tool has been updat­ed with a new phone-friend­ly inter­face and fea­tures espe­cial­ly for EV owners.

My MPG now pro­vides a cus­tomiz­able entry form specif­i­cal­ly for EV users, allow­ing them to enter their fuel econ­o­my in any of four com­mon units: MPGe, kWh/100 miles, miles/kWh, and Wh/mile. It also allows them to track esti­mat­ed dri­ving range, charg­ing type, and ambi­ent temperature.

In addi­tion to fea­tures for EV own­ers, the new My MPG pro­vides more ways for all users to view fuel econ­o­my and relat­ed sta­tis­tics. In addi­tion to view­ing their vehicle’s fuel econ­o­my his­to­ry and com­par­ing its MPG to EPA esti­mates and esti­mates from oth­er dri­vers, users can now quick­ly view their most recent, aver­age, best, and worst fuel econ­o­my and view cumu­la­tive sta­tis­tics relat­ed to fuel con­sump­tion and price.

Check out the new My MPG and see how your fuel econ­o­my stacks up against oth­er drivers!

Blog repost from Clean Cities, U.S. Depart­ment of Energy. 

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