September 30th Electric Vehicle Workshop Recap
We had a great time celebrating National Drive Electric Week with the Colorado ReCharge coaches. If you attended we'd love to hear from you about your EV plans and hope you are as excited about electric cars as we are!
Below you will find the slides and/or videos of the presentations given by the various coaches across the state, plus the contact info for the coaches.
If you haven't signed up for the virtual ride & drive on Saturday, October 3, be sure to do that now — you won't want to miss it! It's going to be a lot of fun with demos of some of the most popular electric vehicles from around Colorado (AND some unusual ones!) You'll also have a chance to talk with real people from around the state who drive EVs. Tune in and see if you can stump us!
Did you hear the announcement about the EV Experience Scavenger Hunt? Find out how you can play along and win some great prizes!
Western Slope Recharge Coach: Stefan Johnson
Denver Area Recharge Coach: Gabriella Perkins
Southern Colorado Recharge Coach: Laurie Dickson
Northern Colorado Recharge Coaches: Diego Lopez and Amy Maxey
Slides | Email Diego | Email Amy
South Central ReCharge Coach: Sonja Meintsma
(Colorado Springs/Pueblo/Salida)
Click here to learn more about the Colorado Energy Office's ReCharge Colorado program.