Young and Hopeful: A Q&A With 14-Year-Old Noah Mills

January 21, 2021


Noah Mills is 14 years old and is rather fond of EVs as he is of his five ani­mals includ­ing Stormy, his cat.

Noah Mills, a 14-year-old elec­tric vehi­cle (EV) sup­port­er, has a clear vision about the impor­tance of EVs. So much so that he is already investing.

Q: Can you tell us a lit­tle bit about yourself?

A: “I’m in mid­dle school in East Ten­nessee. I enjoy going on hikes and play­ing video games dur­ing my free time. I am very fond of elec­tric vehi­cles and like to keep up with them. I have a total of five ani­mals liv­ing at my house – three cats, one dog and one chick­en named ‘Doo­dle.'”

Q: What kind of EV do you drive?

A: “Well, I’m 14, so I’m not dri­ving yet, although I’d like a blue Tes­la Mod­el S because of its sleek beau­ti­ful design. I’d call her Abby.”

Q: Why would you call your Tes­la “Abby”?

A: “Abby was my dog friend. She was sleek and beau­ti­ful. I have good mem­o­ries of her.”

Q: It sounds like you like ani­mals. Would you con­sid­er giv­ing all of your pets a test dri­ve in your future Tes­la Mod­el S?

A: “Sure.”

Q: Even “Doo­dle” – the chicken?

A:  Yes, espe­cial­ly Doo­dle! She has nev­er been in a car.”

Abby – Noah’s dog. Noah’s future Tes­la would be named after Abby in lov­ing memory.
My name is Doo­dle and, cluck, Noah has promised me a ride in his Tesla.

Q: If you could design an EV, what would you like to see produced?

A: “I would like to see an EV with a bet­ter bat­tery, a nice design on the out­side and a cozy inside.”

Q: When did your inter­est in EVs begin?

A: “A cou­ple of years ago. I kept hear­ing more and more about EVs, so I decid­ed to take a look at them.”

Q: I heard that you had asked for a unique Christ­mas gift in 2019. Can you tell us more?

A: “I asked for some Tes­la stock as a Christ­mas gift in 2019.”

Q: Do you have any regrets about ask­ing for this kind of Christ­mas gift and do you have any advice about buy­ing EV stocks?

A: “I do not have any regrets about it. The Tes­la stock has risen so much since I bought some. My advice is to do your research about the com­pa­ny that you want to invest in and think about the company’s future. I have a stock bro­ker that has good experience.”

Q: Why do you think EVs are important?

A: “EVs are impor­tant because, in this cen­tu­ry alone, humans have done so much dam­age to the earth. EVs are one step for­ward to a clean­er and health­i­er earth.”

Q: What is the most excit­ing fea­ture about EVs?

A: “EVs do not require gas!”

Thank you to Vir­ginia Salazar Buda, Dri­ve Elec­tric Ten­nessee Coor­di­na­tor, for author­ing this guest blog arti­cle. Read the orig­i­nal here.

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