Local Company Making a Big Difference for Colorado EV Drivers
InterÂestÂed in findÂing out how much of your elecÂtric bill comes from your EV? PerÂhaps you’d like to find out how much monÂey you're savÂing by driÂving elecÂtric verÂsus driÂving a gas car. Or you would love to proÂvide feedÂback to a local ColÂorado comÂpaÂny that is tryÂing to help EV driÂvers enjoy the best posÂsiÂble expeÂriÂence and the lowÂest cost of operation…
Please conÂsidÂer visÂitÂing Rolling EnerÂgy Resource's webÂsite and enrolling in the MyCharge platÂform to help them betÂter underÂstand EV driÂvers. They are offerÂing free access to this platÂform to all ColÂorado EV driÂvers. To check whether your car is eliÂgiÂble to parÂticÂiÂpate now, please use the comÂpatÂiÂbilÂiÂty checker.
Rolling EnerÂgy Resources is a proud sponÂsor of DriÂve ElecÂtric ColÂorado and is takÂing a new approach to underÂstandÂing and manÂagÂing elecÂtricÂiÂty demand from vehiÂcle chargÂing. They are conÂductÂing leadÂing indusÂtry research and proÂvidÂing you, EV ownÂers, with underÂstandÂing of your chargÂing behavÂiors, patÂterns, and costs. They are also sharÂing insight with driÂvers on how much you are savÂing driÂving an EV. Rolling EnerÂgy Resources is workÂing hard to assist the elecÂtric utilÂiÂties to get you the powÂer you need and to make sure that as EV usage grows, the powÂer will stay availÂable when you need it.
Rolling EnerÂgy Resources is askÂing for volÂunÂteers to be a part of sevÂerÂal focus groups to help improve their serÂvices to the EV comÂmuÂniÂty. The team at Rolling EnerÂgy Resources looks forÂward to being a good partÂner to every ColÂorado EV driÂver. If you have any quesÂtions about their serÂvices or need help in enrolling in the MyCharge platÂform, please reach out to them at .